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[WarAxe Servers] Progressive 4.0.6 server (3.0 -> 4.0.6)


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WarAxe Servers is proud to announce that Closed Beta has begun for our progressive 4.0.6 (yes not 4.3.4) World of Warcraft Cataclysm server. The server will be using the client 4.0.6 NOT 3.3.5

Our Goals
The goals of WarAxe is to be a successful Cataclysm server on a patch that has been abandoned by most of the private server industry. We will be the only 4.0.6 server and will eventually evolve into 4.3.4 but still leaving our 4.0.6 servers open and offer an option to start on the 4.0.6 and carbon copy the character to the 4.3.4 server. So eventually we will have 2 servers.

Server Information
*All server rates will be 1x, in the future the experience rate only may be increased.
*Realm type will be PvP
*The realm name is Uldum

The servers progression is a great discussion because we want to fulfil the players expectations but at the same time we want to make sure that we have bug-free content and since 4.0.6 was never really built upon we will have to build and write the code how it was in patch 4.0.6.

Spells for classes will be fully functional upon release however the Cataclysm zones will remain closed until later on. Players will get to experience the Cataclysm expansion but for the first couple months we will introduce the Progression System which is explained down below.

Progression System
Similar to blizzards "phases" we have our own Progression Phases. While we work to fix up the Cataclysm zones, dungeons & raids we still want players to be able to play so we are gojng to slowly progress on Wrath of the Lich King then onto cataclysm all while playing on the 4.0.6 client. Each phase will be about a month (or longer) so we can quickly get players on the Cataclysm Expansion.

Progression Phase I (launch)
*Max Level: 80
*Patch Version: 3.0
Dungeons Opened (Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet, Drak'tharon Keep, Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme.)

Dungeons Closed (Trial of the Champion, Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls)

Raids Opened (Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon [Archavon Stone Watcher Only], Eye of Eternity)

Raids Closed (Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel, Ruby Sanctum)

Progression Phase 2
*Max Level: 80
*Patch Version: 3.1
Dungeons Opened (Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet, Drak'tharon Keep, Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion)

Dungeons Closed (Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls)

Raids Opened (Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon [Archavon Stone Watcher Only], Eye of Eternity, Ulduar)

Raids Closed (Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel, Ruby Sanctum)

Progression Phase 3
*Max Level: 80
*Patch Version: 3.2
Dungeons Opened (Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet, Drak'tharon Keep, Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion)

Dungeons Closed (Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls)

Raids Opened (Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon [Archavon Stone Watcher Only], Eye of Eternity, Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader)

Raids Closed (Icecrown Citadel, Ruby Sanctum)

Progression Phase 4
*Max Level: 80
*Patch Version: 3.3
Dungeons Opened (Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet, Drak'tharon Keep, Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion, Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls)

Dungeons Closed (NONE)

Raids Opened (Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon [Archavon Stone Watcher Only], Eye of Eternity, Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel)

Raids Closed (Ruby Sanctum)

Progression Phase 5
*Max Level: 80
*Patch Version: 3.3.5
Dungeons Opened (Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet, Drak'tharon Keep, Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion, Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Forge of Souls)

Dungeons Closed (NONE)

Raids Opened (Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon [Archavon Stone Watcher Only], Eye of Eternity, Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel, Ruby Sanctum)

Raids Closed (NONE)

Progression Phase 6
*Max Level: 85
*Patch Version: 4.0.6 Cataclysm

More information will incoming soon stay tuned for WarAxe Servers.