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Vote system in the following website


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Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
Hello again,

We're bugtracking emucoach and we're using this website https://www.mediafire.com/?5ut5td2d3x7mhr3 for registration - I'm tired of typing manually every single account for every single guy who works with me :) I was wondering about voting system - how does it work and how can one implement it into this particular website so it would work this way:

After logging in, we can vote for a server once every, let's say, 12 hours to gather points, which could be spent for something (dunno for what yet, I'll come up with something and let you know). We do it by clicking on a banner leading to particular site with private server rankings and do as that site tell us to do. Then we click on our server's banner to complete voting on that particular ranking site to get points.
How to make it work and how to block some attempts to vote many times to get more points? How to make it so we can vote every 12 hours, not seconds? And the most important question - is it even possible? xD


Hey there,

Well you know, a lot of sites such as AzerCMS, FusionCMS, CraftedCMS, I mean you could basically use one of these if you want a website with more features such as voting and a lot of other stuff.

I'm not a web developer, so I cannot give you a fully proper answer, if you wish to use your current site and not one of the ones listed above.

Hope I helped a little, if not feel free to ask further and I'll try to answer as good as I can, or get in contact with some who has the knowledge to answer it :)