Hi All,
Back after a long break due to moving home and a new addition to the family.
Stratholme Service Entry (EAST) > Bug when dead. There is no linked graveyard so teleported to first (playing horde) which is The Crossroads Barrens
Stratholme East is 5917. There is an entry 5916 which maybe a typing error but I preferred to create a new entry.
909 is the nearest Graveyard in the Eastern Plaguelands.
Back after a long break due to moving home and a new addition to the family.
Stratholme Service Entry (EAST) > Bug when dead. There is no linked graveyard so teleported to first (playing horde) which is The Crossroads Barrens
Stratholme East is 5917. There is an entry 5916 which maybe a typing error but I preferred to create a new entry.
909 is the nearest Graveyard in the Eastern Plaguelands.
INSERT INTO `game_graveyard_zone` (`id`, `ghost_zone`, `faction`) VALUES (909, 5917, 0);