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VIP Gold Solo v15 Repack (Hunter Class Bug)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I have a bug report for you. I'm hoping this will be fixed in version 16.0

1. Hunter attacks with ONLY bare fists or melee weapon= bots attack (activate like normal)
2. Hunter pet ONLY attack (no bow and no melee attacks)= bots stand still and stare (do not activate to attack enemy)
3. Hunter attacks with bow ONLY (no pet and no melee attacks)= bots stand still and stare (do not activate to attack enemy)
4. Hunter attacks with both bow AND pet= bots stand still and stare (do not activate to attack enemy) **This is the attack method that I use 99% of the time while playing**

Note: in 2, 3, 4 above the bots will NEVER attack. However, as soon as one melee attack lands then the bots will be activated and attack like normal. If a single bare fist melee attack lands, then this will activate the bots and they will start attacking like normal.

I'm hoping you can resolve this bot problem strictly related to the Hunter class on the next VIP Gold 16.0 (FUN/SOLO VIP Version).

Alliance/Male/Night Elf/Hunter