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[VIP 6.1] Worgen Starting Area - Complete report


Silver Supporter
I've seen some of you (Lkarthas at least) know spanish. Being from Spain it would be easier for me to write in that language in case my english is not good enough or you prefer spanish.

This is a list of the Worgen starting area bugs, cosmetic issues or problems I've found so far. Hope this is of any help. When I say Phase I mean a change in the story that should change npcs or move forward.

Phase 1: Intro

Phase 2:
- Cosmetic improvement: There should be some more worgen/guards fighting each other. This is an invasion!! As it is now, there are a couple of fights and many static mobs.

- Minor bug: Evacuate the merchant square: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xt0_bOhHZ4)
* [FIXED IN ver.6.2] The quest advances ok when you interact with a door but there should be npc scripted to get out of the house when you open the doors, followed by a worgen who sould attack you.
* New bug Ver 6.2: to properly update the rescue of the villagers you have to double interact with the doors (should be updated when you first open it, not when you interact again once opened)
* In the quest objectives appear to talk with the prince and to evactuate 0/3 homes. Instead the talk to the prince should only appear when you complete the 3/3 homes evacuated. As it is now when you complete the 3/3 homes the quest tells you to evacuate 3 homes again (but without the X/Y counter). The quest can be completed tho.

- Improvement: By the skin of his teeth: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi3KSlmfl-8)
* the worgen runt should hit for less dmg or not to aggro on player instead of closest enemy. As it is now is pretty difficult for light armour classes.
* The allies npcs just 1 hit kill them so the quest is just sit and see if you stay next to the allies npcs. Allies should run slower and take some more time to kill the enemies (or have less threat distance).

- Minor bug: The Rebel Lord's Arsenal:
* After being bitten by Josiah Avery he should be killed and dissapear. He's shoot, but the npc remains there even after the quest is completed.
* Cosmetic: Lorna Crowley should have 2 Gilnean Mastiff, one at each side of her.

Phase 3:
- Bug: From the Shadows:
* The mastiff skill to locate and attack the closest Lurker doesn't work. Right now the quest is run till one of the hidden mobs finds and attacks you.
* Gilnean mastiff (pet) should hit the Lurkers for about 9 dmg, right now they barely do 2.
* Mastiff remains in combat even with no enemies.

- Bug: Save Krennan Aranas: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h378F8s0fYk)
* Cosmetic: King Genn should have a bunch of soldiers on front of him, protecting the barricades
* [FIXED IN ver.6.2] Cosmetic: The horse have a weird movement :p
* The enemies dissapear or ignores you when you walk among them, they should attack you but not do enough damage to really kill the player (Or be given enough hp by being on horseback to not be defeated easily)
* [FIXED IN ver.6.2] Timed, if not fast enough the horse dissapears and you have to reset the quest entirely.
* Krennan Aranas is not where he is suppoused to be (Updated on ver 6.2: Now Aranas is "swimming" around the tree.), you can tho "save him" but the quest is not updated at all. Had to .quest complete to finish it.
* Old npcs still in the worgen invaded area.
* Post quest cinematic, two soldiers missing next to the cannon. Wargen should die on cannon shoots.

Phase 4:

- Time to Regroup: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XQUFapcNDc)
* Phase not updated properly. Lurkers should no longer attack you and there should be some soldiers fighting worgen in the way.
* Many npcs missing in the trainers area. Wounded townsfolk and some refugees.

- Sacrifices: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcLdHTRbXXA)
* MAJOR BUG on ver 6.2 VIP. Picking up this quest crashes the server (tested on warrior class in case is relevant)
* many clipping, jumps and movement issues during the horse ride.
* Enemies should keep following you during the quest and stop at the cathedral entrance.
* Cathedral yard is reaaaaaally empty.

- By blood and ash (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFHn-9Tapnk)
* Not enough enemies to complete it as it should, the yard needs to be crowded (beware of enemies LoS, you should be safe standing at the stairs).
* allies npcs not spawned at cannons (they can, and sometimes will, fight some of the worgen)
* Incorrect quest text objectives

- Minor bug, couple misplaced quest markers during active quests, mainly when you have it ready to complete.

- Unleash the beast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4o2y1t4pps)
* Improvement: LoS of enemies is too great, should be reduced a bit.
* Cosmetic: Enemies and allies are not fighting each other in this area.
* Quest marker when completed and ready to return to quest giver seems to be a bit "misplaced"
* Cosmetic: There should be enemies riding the catapults.

- Leader of the pack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af_iiRY33uU)
* Group of mastiffs already present. The mastiffs should be spawned using the whistle during the fight (6-7 of them) and they should then run towards the npc to help the fight. Despawn everything once the fight is over.
* The whistle shouln't spawn a single mastiff pet.

Phase 5: The flood

Broken past this point, there is no phase change. Everything should be covered by water. If there is a GM command to move forward the Phase on a character, please tell me so I can keep on with the report.

It's really easy to get stuck in combat.
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Senior User
Superior Member
I've seen some of you (Lkarthas at least) know spanish. Being from Spain it would be easier for me to write in that language in case my english is not good enough or you prefer spanish.

This is a list of the Worgen starting area bugs, cosmetic issues or problems I've found so far. Hope this is of any help. When I say Phase I mean a change in the story that should change npcs or move forward.

Phase 1: Intro

Phase 2:
- Cosmetic improvement: There should be some more worgen/guards fighting each other. This is an invasion!! As it is now, there are a couple of fights and many static mobs.

- Minor bug: Evacuate the merchant square: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xt0_bOhHZ4)
* The quest advances ok when you interact with a door but there should be npc scripted to get out of the house when you open the doors, followed by a worgen who sould attack you.
* In the quest objectives appear to talk with the prince and to evactuate 0/3 homes. Instead the talk to the prince should only appear when you complete the 3/3 homes evacuated. As it is now when you complete the 3/3 homes the quest tells you to evacuate 3 homes again (but without the X/Y counter). The quest can be completed tho.

- Improvement: By the skin of his teeth: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi3KSlmfl-8)
* the worgen runt should hit for less dmg or not to aggro on player instead of closest enemy. As it is now is pretty difficult for light armour classes.
* The allies npcs just 1 hit kill them so the quest is just sit and see if you stay next to the allies npcs. Allies should run slower and take some more time to kill the enemies (or have less threat distance).

- Minor bug: The Rebel Lord's Arsenal:
* After being bitten by Josiah Avery he should be killed and dissapear. He's shoot, but the npc remains there even after the quest is completed.
* Cosmetic: Lorna Crowley should have 2 Gilnean Mastiff, one at each side of her.

Phase 3:
- Bug: From the Shadows:
* The mastiff skill to locate and attack the closest Lurker doesn't work. Right now the quest is run till one of the hidden mobs finds and attacks you.
* Gilnean mastiff (pet) should hit the Lurkers for about 9 dmg, right now they barely do 2.
* Mastiff remains in combat even with no enemies.

- Bug: Save Krennan Aranas: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h378F8s0fYk)
* Cosmetic: King Genn should have a bunch of soldiers on front of him, protecting the barricades
* Cosmetic: The horse have a weird movement :p
* The enemies dissapear or ignores you when you walk among them, they should attack you but not do enough damage to really kill the player (Or be given enough hp by being on horseback to not be defeated easily)
* Timed, if not fast enough the horse dissapears and you have to reset the quest entirely.
* Krennan Aranas is not where he is suppoused to be, you can tho "save him" but the quest is not updated at all. Had to .quest complete to finish it.
* Old npcs still in the worgen invaded area.
* Post quest cinematic, two soldiers missing next to the cannon. Wargen should die on cannon shoots.

Will edit for more in case some developer confirms this is useful :p
Thank you for the report :D, it's usefull, i don't want to sound bad but i'm aware of those bugs, are on the ToDo List, personally i just fix some quest in worgens area just enough to know that can go out without issues, right now i can't remember if saving krennan aranas i fixed for 6.1 or for this next 6.2, but i did some work on it including the spawn of the soldiers at the ending cinematic, i was hoping to work with worgens for 7.0 but there's a hugue ToDo list yet, but will be improved in time, also, I'm Glad the way you report, you are very specific in what doens't work and that is a VERY USEFULL information, And yes i do speak spanish but i at public forums i only write in english, you can PM me in spanish if want to report bugs directly in a more faster way
Best Regards/ Saludos :D


Silver Supporter
Updated the report till the earthquake flood phase, can't keep going forward. If anyone knows how to move a player forward a phase please tell me so I can continue with the Worgen starting area report ;)

Restarted as Warrior on VIP ver 6.2. Unable to progress past the sacrifices quest, the server crashes when picking up the quest.
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Veteran Member
Verified Member
* [FIXED IN ver.6.2] Timed, if not fast enough the horse dissapears and you have to reset the quest entirely.
* Krennan Aranas is not where he is suppoused to be (Updated on ver 6.2: Now Aranas is "swimming" around the tree.), you can tho "save him" but the quest is not updated at all. Had to .quest complete to finish it.
* Old npcs still in the worgen invaded area.
* Post quest cinematic, two soldiers missing next to the cannon. Wargen should die on cannon shoots.

This is not fixed at all in 6.2:



Veteran Member
Verified Member
v6,2 worgen start on bad map. This map is for part after you is jailed.
normal worgens start on map id638. in v 6,2 worgens start on map 654. why?
on map 654 you see objects after invasion in city.
for now worgen zone working only with one map
please repair..

maps for worgen start zone.
638. starting map (if i use M map map not work)
654. map after worgen jailed
655 greyman manor
656 greyman manor
and 4 gunship maps (need repair maps is unusable)
749,(Kick you from game)
750,(Kick you from game)
766,(Kick you from game)
767,(Kick you from game)
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