Hello emucoach! This is my first time posting here, My name is Crow and I've been working for over 2 years on this project, almost singlehandedly with assistance and a partnership with two truly great people.
We, are Titans-League.
Titans League - VQ/Vilebranch is a 3.3.5 wotlk custom level 19 server looking for:
- more SQL monkeys [Database Devs] to adjust items, write questlines and lore.
- Lua/C++ scripters who want to create and code fun custom dungeons and raids
- Creative Writers to assist in writing new custom lore for our servers storyline
- Creative Designers to assist in generating new concepts for enchants, potions, talents, spells, raids, boss fights, zone interactions, and more!
- Model editors and world builders to edit existing areas and add new parts to existing zones, and/or help add geosets for our goblin and worgen races so they dont look so glitchy.
- Custom talent trees and spells
- Worgens and Goblins added
- recustomized Hinterlands and Arathi Highlands zones, Grim Batol dungeon retro ported.
- handful of custom items
- Some professions scaled down
- System where specific zones spawn more profession resources but dying to players causes you to drop them and become lootable.
- a tiny bit of custom quests
- scripted zombie survival minigame
- custom racing event
- Duel Betting
- Gold Lottery
- Venture Company Slot Machine
- Guild Leveling system
- King of the Hill pvp event, Dalaran Crater battle royale pvp minigame, Dalaran Sewers pvp minigame, Blackwing Lair pvp minigame, 1v1 arena, Battle Royale pvp minigame
- And more!
Cheers! Discord Link to our Community! Titans League™ https://discord.gg/sKYjqApS3r
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@vilebranch2020