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Vilebranch - Titan-league's story driven 19 custom server


Verified Member

Hello emucoach! This is my first time posting here, My name is Crow and I've been working for over 2 years on this project, almost singlehandedly with assistance and a partnership with two truly great people.

We, are Titans-League.

Titans League - VQ/Vilebranch is a 3.3.5 wotlk custom level 19 server looking for:

  • more SQL monkeys [Database Devs] to adjust items, write questlines and lore.
  • Lua/C++ scripters who want to create and code fun custom dungeons and raids
  • Creative Writers to assist in writing new custom lore for our servers storyline
  • Creative Designers to assist in generating new concepts for enchants, potions, talents, spells, raids, boss fights, zone interactions, and more!
  • Model editors and world builders to edit existing areas and add new parts to existing zones, and/or help add geosets for our goblin and worgen races so they dont look so glitchy.
Thing that are already complete:

  • Custom talent trees and spells
  • Worgens and Goblins added
  • recustomized Hinterlands and Arathi Highlands zones, Grim Batol dungeon retro ported.
  • handful of custom items
  • Some professions scaled down
  • System where specific zones spawn more profession resources but dying to players causes you to drop them and become lootable.
  • a tiny bit of custom quests
  • scripted zombie survival minigame
  • custom racing event
  • Duel Betting
  • Gold Lottery
  • Venture Company Slot Machine
  • Guild Leveling system
  • King of the Hill pvp event, Dalaran Crater battle royale pvp minigame, Dalaran Sewers pvp minigame, Blackwing Lair pvp minigame, 1v1 arena, Battle Royale pvp minigame
  • And more!
None of these are paid positions as of yet however when the server is out of the alpha stage and donations start to roll in we will be paying developers and giving bonuses to those who already have worked on the project. In the very least, it's a fun custom low level project (level 19) and has potential to be something great and due to the fact its hosted by the owner and has existed for years as it is, it isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Join now, while the irons still hot! Will also accept deals for royalties if desired on models, maps, and other assets.

Cheers! Discord Link to our Community! Titans League™ https://discord.gg/sKYjqApS3r

youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@vilebranch2020