Here's our first list of bugs with the most details I could provide:
In Westfalls, the quest Lou's Parting Thoughts, quest id 26232 doesn't work. The Thugs are not present behind the stable. Also it's impossible to end the quest because the npc Lieutenant Horatio Laine (id42558) isn't there also.
2nd: In Westfall, the red bandana found on the Moonbrook Thug is suppose to start a quest (Evidence Collection quest id: 26296) but doesn't nothing at all. It saids that we are no eligible for that quest.
3rd: In Tirisfal Glades, for the quest Planting the Seed of Fear (quest id 24999), the mob "Vile Fin Tadpole , npc id: 38937" aren't there.
4th: Almost all class trainers in the Worgen starting zone won't train you further than lv5
5th: In Redridge Mountains, Quest Wanted: Redridge Gnolls (quest id:26504) doesn't work. The panel have the excalmation mark but we can't take the quest from it.
6th: Still in Redridge Mountains, in the quest Franks and Beans (quest id:26506), we can it the Dire Condor, unless we use long range attack.
7th: In Redridge Mountains, the Dirt-Strained Scroll (item id 58898) doesn't start is associated quest: He Who Controls the Ettins (quest id: 26519)
8th: In Redidge Mountains, we can start the quest John J. Keeshan (quest id 26567) but cannot end it because in the basement of Lakeshire inn, no one there to end the quest.
9th: In the Worgen starting zone, cannot get the quest As the land Shatters (quest id: 14396) and speak to lord Godfrey because it's impossible to enter the basement where he is.
10th: In Northshire Abbey, cannot complete the quest The Power of the light (quest id:26918) because even if I hit the dummy, it do not consider the quest done.
11th: In Elwynnn Forest, for the quest Goldtooth (quest id 87), Goldtooth isn't there at all. Impossible to end the quest if we cannot kill him.
12th: In Silverpine Forest, for the quest It's Only Poisonous if you ingest it (quest id: 27088), cannot kill the Forest Ettin because the Mutant Bush Chicken doesn't explode.
13th: In Westfall, at the back of the Jangolode Mine, cannot complete the quest Livin's the Life (quest id: 26228) because we are unable to use the box Two-Shoed Lou's Old House (item id:57761). It said that we are the at the right location even if we are.
14th: In Stormwind City, in the Dungeons Stockade, enemies are way to powerfull. Even if we are 2 to 3 levels over, if more that 2 enemies attack us, we are all doomed. It take 4 to 5 hits to them to kill the tank.....
15th: In Gnomeregan dungeon, Murd Doc (npc id: 44556) won't give us the first quest The G-Team (quest id: 26939). Also later in the dungeon, we can start the second quest The G-Team (quest id: 26941) because the npc is there, but once it's finished, no one is there to complete the quest. We see the question mark on the map, but Face (npc id: 44561) isn't there. In the end of the dungeon, after we have killed Mekginneer Thermaplugg, again we see the question mark on the map, but no one there (Hann Ibal, npc id: 44563) to end up the quest (quest id:26942).