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Version 5.1 Bug Report


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This is my following Bug Report


http://cata.openwow.com/item=71086 , "Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest" legendary item.

This does not proc at all. "When you deal damage, you have a chance to gain the Wrath of Tarecgosa, duplicating the harmful spell." i've used this staff on both Mage and warlock and was unable to get it to proc so therefor assume it bugged

http://cata.openwow.com/item=77949 , http://cata.openwow.com/item=77950 " Legendary Rogue Daggers "

"Increases your Agility by 17, stacking up to 50 times. Once you have acquired 30 stacks of Shadows of the Destoyer, each stack gained grants an increasing chance to trigger Fury of the Destroyer, which immediately grants 5 combo points and causes your finishing moves to generate 5 combo points. Lasts 6 sec."

The Agility Stacks But does not trigger Fury of the Destroyer.

General bugs:

Issue with Character saving when modifying Talent points, When using .mod talents "number" and then logging out the character will not save with the talent points selected and will proceed to reset the character. Also further bug the character so it cant learn the spells again

Warrior Arms Mastery

http://cata.openwow.com/spell=76838 Strikes of oppurtunity "Grants a 18% chance for your melee attacks to instantly trigger an additional melee attack for 55% normal damage"

Does not proc at all.

Will continue to add more daily
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Trial Member
I don't think the one with the talent points is a bug, but rather how that command works.
From reaper-x.com:
"Set free talent pointes for selected character or character’s pet. It will be reset to default expected at next levelup/login/quest reward."
Although the command there is .modify tp, I think it works the same way.


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I don't think the one with the talent points is a bug, but rather how that command works.
From reaper-x.com:
"Set free talent pointes for selected character or character’s pet. It will be reset to default expected at next levelup/login/quest reward."
Although the command there is .modify tp, I think it works the same way.

Which makes it extremely annoying because in other Repacks it will save on log out :'(


"Increases your Agility by 17, stacking up to 50 times. Once you have acquired 30 stacks of Shadows of the Destoyer, each stack gained grants an increasing chance to trigger Fury of the Destroyer, which immediately grants 5 combo points and causes your finishing moves to generate 5 combo points. Lasts 6 sec."

The Agility Stacks But does not trigger Fury of the Destroyer.

The rogue legendary daggers have been reworked and should be working properly in v.6