Welcome to Vanilla-World!!!
ProffSkillRate 10x
Instant 60 (till more players joins then x12) with Vote Shop
raids default and drops will be 100% calculated with players slots and it will be blizzlike.
scholoman, stratholm, dire maul, Lbrs, = Solo STATUS: OPEN
Ubrs = 3 Man STATUS: OPEN
zg aq20 will be 5 Man STATUS: Finished
mc and bwl will be 10 man STATUS: MC is finished but not BWL
aq40 and naxxramas will be 15 man STATUS: NOT FINISHED
Come join us at http://vanilla-world.no-ip.org/
Realmlist: vanilla-world.no-ip.org

ProffSkillRate 10x
Instant 60 (till more players joins then x12) with Vote Shop
raids default and drops will be 100% calculated with players slots and it will be blizzlike.

scholoman, stratholm, dire maul, Lbrs, = Solo STATUS: OPEN
Ubrs = 3 Man STATUS: OPEN
zg aq20 will be 5 Man STATUS: Finished
mc and bwl will be 10 man STATUS: MC is finished but not BWL
aq40 and naxxramas will be 15 man STATUS: NOT FINISHED
Come join us at http://vanilla-world.no-ip.org/
Realmlist: vanilla-world.no-ip.org