I always hate that bug reporting seems a lot like complaining, so to start; awesome job Emu Team!
Now for something completely different...
(FIXED)I don't know if any commands have been changed, but /port & .port appear to be missing.
New command is .tele
I also noticed any mounts that allow for a passenger are bugged in that no one can mount (besides the one that summoned the mount of course). Tested with the Vial of the Sands, Tundra Mount, and Mekgineer's Chopper so far.
I'll continue to EDIT this list as I ran across more.
Formatted Bug Reports
Now for something completely different...
(FIXED)I don't know if any commands have been changed, but /port & .port appear to be missing.
New command is .tele
I also noticed any mounts that allow for a passenger are bugged in that no one can mount (besides the one that summoned the mount of course). Tested with the Vial of the Sands, Tundra Mount, and Mekgineer's Chopper so far.
I'll continue to EDIT this list as I ran across more.
Formatted Bug Reports
- [Name, Type]Archaeology, Profession
- [What it does]Allows players to dig up unlimited relic fragments from different dig sites and create artifacts.
- [What it should do] Fragments should be limited to 3 per dig site. Outlands and Northrend have this limit, Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor do not.
- [Name, Type] Dock Workers, NPC
- [What it does] Small crews are aboard ships traveling from various docks. Some should be walking around. Some are duplicated and floating in the air where the boat would be docked.
- [What it should do] Some dock workers should be walking around on the boats, but none of them should be duplicated.
- [Name, Type] Wooly Rhino Matriarch, NPC
- [What it does] Has a small group of calves nearby, but all the calves appear to be "dead", but can still move around, but not be targeted.
- [What it should do] I do not recall if the calves were targetable before, but they should not spawn "dead" and still be moving around.
- [Name, Type] The Flameseer's Staff, Quest
- [What it does] Getting the quest, it says you must gather 2 sets of 8 pieces.
- [What it should do] You should only have to gather 8 pieces, not two sets of 8 pieces.
- [Name, Type] Inciting The Elements, Quest
- [What it does] Juniper Berry does not spawn. Feeding one to a faerie dragons does nothing.
- [What it should do] Harvest Juniper Berries from bushes that spawn nearby and feed them to faerie dragons. Twilight Inciters (NPCID# 39926) are supposed to appear when the faerie dragons lead you to them.
- [Name, Type] Twilight Proveditors, NPC
- [What it does] Stands in one spot.
- [What it should do] They should be walking along the road.
- [Name, Type] A Prayer and a Wing, Quest
- [What it does] Does not give out Enormous Bird Call that is needed to summon the bird you need to kill.
- [What it should do] You should use the Enormous Bird Call to summon the bird you need to kill for the quest .
- [Name, Type] Black Heart of Flame, Quest
- [What it does] The Charred Branch always says "You are in the wrong zone".
- [What it should do] You should be able to walk into The Inferno in Hyjal and use the Charred Branch to summon the guy you have to kill.
- [Name, Type] High Justice Grimstone, NPC
- [What it does] Spawns yelling his dialog, but attacks the player and is not attackable.
- [What it should do] NPC should appear yelling his dialog and introduce (spawn) the NPC that is going to "kill" the player inside the Ring of Law.
- [Name, Type] Overmaster Pyron, NPC
- [What it does] Spawns twice out of BRD (once in a walkway to the left and once in the center of the aisle at the end).
- [What it should do] Should only spawn once.
- [Name, Type] Cell Door Lever (ID# 41575), GObject
- [What it does] Lever is clickable and it moves, but that is all.
- [What it should do] Lever should move and activate the first Prison Cell Door (ID# 41560). After all four cells are cleared, the Doodad_Hellfire_DW_PrisonEntry4 (ID# 41561) should open, allowing Broggok to be attacked.
- [Name, Type] Quarry Gate (ID# 57), GObject
- [What it does] Spawns 6 (with different guIDs: 57, 781, 1712, 2905, 4151, and 9986) and every time you click on the gate to open it, the first gate swings closed before you can click enough gates to get through.
- [What it should do] Gate should appear once (ID# 57) and open when clicked.
- [Name, Type] Wetlands, Map/Spawn
- [What it does] Herbs and Mining nodes are spawning in the air and not on the ground.
- [What it should do] Harvest nodes should spawn on the ground.
- [Name, Type] Wetlands, Map/Spawn
- [What it does] NPCs are spawning in the air and falling to the ground.
- [What it should do] NPCs should spawn on the ground, unless they can fly.
- [Name, Type] Achievement Explore Icecrown, Achievement
- [What it does] Cannot discover Sindragosa's Fall in Ice Crown.
- [What it should do] Standing on the edge of Sindragosa's Fall should allow it to be discovered.
- [Name, Type] Vyragosa, NPC
- [What it does] Appears in air above Brunnhildar, but falls to the ground and you are unable to attack.
- [What it should do] Vyragosa should be flying in the air around Storm Peaks.
- [Name, Type] Brazie the Botanist, NPC
- [What it does] Does not spawn and when added, does not start the quest Basic Botany.
- [What it should do] Should spawn on the small farm in Hillsbrad and give the quest Basic Botany.
- [Name, Type] Room 4 Rune (gobjectID# 22261), GObject
- [What it does] Does not activate after killing all the NPCs in the room, like the other runes do. Manually activating it did not open the door (gobjectID# 22273).
- [What it should do] Should go out when the spawn in that room is killed. When all runes have been put out, the door (ID# 22273) should open to get to the bosses.
- [Name, Type] Door/Portal (gobjectID# 13742), GObject
- [What it does] North entrance, east portal has wrong coords. Entering is fine, but walking back out teleports you to an unfinished portion of the map. (NOTE: I don't know the teleporter ID, the above ID is for the door that is normally blocking the portal.)
- [What it should do] Allow you to enter Dire Maul North (Gordok area) and allow you to exit back to the Broken Commons.
- [Name, Type] Door/Portal, GObject
- [What it does] East entrance, north portal has wrong coords. Entering is fine, but walking back out teleports you to an unfinished portion of the map. (NOTE: I don't know the teleporter ID.)
- [What it should do] Allow you to enter Dire Maul East (Warpwood Quarter area) and allow you to exit back to the Broken Commons.
- [Name, Type] WotLK NPCs, NPCs
- [What it does] Displays the wrong bodyIDs for some NPCs.
- [What it should do] Well, obviously they should show the right bodyIDs lol
I have been seeing some, what I would consider to be bodyID errors, in a lot of the Northrend locations ("Dead calves", some of the Dragonflayers in Utgarde have two dragons that appear, etc).
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