- 25
- 2022
- 9
Unfortunately MoP has been crashing randomly on Windows Server 2022, after upgrading to V4 from V3 it was crashing much more frequently so I moved it to Windows Server 2012 R2 and it's crashing just as much if not worse. The primary culprit is usually C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ucrtbase.DLL. The latest crash occurred in the SpellAuras.cpp I believe while someone was in Battlegrounds. Should be fairly straight forward as it's only 1 person playing on that server at the moment. I've attached the crash dumps. The 2/11 and possibly 2/4 were on 2012 R2, the other one on 1/29 was Server 2022. I've also attached a Server.log from a past crash including where it occurred (in this case Unit.cpp).