- 25
- 2022
- 9
- [Location, Faction, Race]N/A
- [Name, Type] N/A
- [Problem Description] Is there a way to change the XP rate for gathering? I don't see a config value for it and it's WAY too high, my friend is lvl 17 and getting the equivalent of a quest turn-in every time he gathers an herb so he's far out leveled my toon who has no gathering profession along with the area he's in and all the quests. He's getting around 10 times the XP he would get by killing a mob for gathering an herb. Also he was getting not only skillups from gray nodes but also XP from gray nodes even when he did NOT get a skillup from them.
- [How it should work] Shouldn't be able to level up from just nodes. In addition it would be fantastic once this is fixed to have an additional config setting for it here:
# Rate.XP.Kill
# Rate.XP.Quest
# Rate.XP.Explore
# Description: Experience rates.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.XP.Kill)
# 1 - (Rate.XP.Quest)
# 1 - (Rate.XP.Explore)
Rate.XP.Kill = 1
Rate.XP.Quest = 1
Rate.XP.Explore = 1
Something like Rate.XP.Gather?