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[v18] Barber not changing Worgen Druid forms


Silver Supporter
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Stormwind Barbershop, Alliance, Female Worgen Druid
  • [Name, Type] Changing appearance of Druid forms
  • [Problem Description] Changing the character's human hair colour has no effect on Druid form colours
  • [How it should work] When you go to the barbershop and change the hair colour of the Druid character, it’s supposed to change the colour of their Druid forms (cat and bear). Currently v18 gives the default cat/bear form colour only, regardless of hair colour selected. There’s no way to switch from the default colour.
Link to examples of hair > form changes

Edit: On further testing, it turns out the Worgen druid forms are erroneously connected to skin colour rather than hair colour.
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