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V16 Quest Bringing Down the Iron Thane


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Veteran Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Grizzly Hills--Dun Argol, Horde, Blood Elf.
  • [Name, Type] Bringing Down the Iron Thane, Quest.
  • [Problem Description] EMP doesn't remove the shield from Iron Thane Furyhammer and stun "The Anvil".
    Befor: https://streamable.com/6okbob

  • [How it should work] I have removed one Iron Thane Furyhammer and updated the smart script. If you want, in the last line I have increased the stun time of EMP spell.
    After: https://streamable.com/lrngtu
SQL code:
DELETE FROM creature WHERE guid=456000;
UPDATE smart_scripts SET event_type=4 WHERE entryorguid=26405 AND source_type=0 AND id=0;
UPDATE smart_scripts SET event_param1=30000, event_param2=30000 WHERE entryorguid=2640600 AND source_type=9 AND id=3;