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V15 quests bugs.


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Northrend, Borean Tundra, Alliance, Humain.
https://www.wowhead.com/quest=11871/not-on-our-watch quest.
The crate bugs and you can pick up one 12 times. And if you kill the Northsea Thug (25844) it drops a bag
it also bugs and you can always pick one up to validate the quest.

Northrend, Borean Tundra, Alliance, Humain.
https://www.wowhead.com/quest=11681/rescuing-evanor quest.
When the dragon brings us to the platform. He simply leaves with the other dragons. And nothing happens.
The dragon must take us to a platform. On this platform is a cube. And it must open. Quest must be valid and we must be transported to the tower X="3652.652" Y="5897.751" Z="174.5599" .
And in the console I make mistakes.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 146599 Entry: 25584) has duplicate aura (spell 45775) in `auras` field.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 148078 Entry: 25596) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 148020 Entry: 25596) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 147965 Entry: 25596) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 148076 Entry: 25596) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field.
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (GUID: 147966 Entry: 25596) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field.