- 112
- 2021
- 91
- [Location, Faction, Race] Deadmines, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
- [Name, Type] Helix Gearbreaker, Boss Scripting
- [Problem Description] Helix Gearbreaker encounters several issues if he resets from all players dying or leaving the area while in the second phase, after the Lumbering Oaf is killed. The Lumbering Oaf will respawn in his location, but neither will move, causing him to start the fight in the wrong area during the next try. He will frequently not lose his invulnerability after the Lumbering Oaf is killed the next time, rendering the fight entirely impossible during that attempt, and he will sometimes not regenerate his health, though this is inconsistent. After not attacking him again for a while after a reset, he separated himself from the Lumbering Oaf, floating unattackable in mid air, however killing the Lumbering Oaf caused him to spawn a new oaf and restore himself to proper functionality. This seems to be the only way to finish the fight after a reset in the second phase.
- [How it should work] If Helix Gearbreaker resets during the second phase, he should respawn the Lumbering Oaf, remount him, and return to their initial spawn location. This should also cause him to lose his invulnerability, and the fight should behave the exact same the next time it is engaged.