Verified Member
- 19
- 2021
- 40
While going through ZF, I was attacked by the dustwraith rare elite and noticed that he was not attackable despite being aggressive. Had to use gm codes to kill him. Looked through the db and found his unit flags and faction were not correct. This fixes it:
Later went through LBRS and found another non-attackable boss.
There were also some invisible NPCs but I just deleted them. I'll probably come back in here after V15 is released and try to fix the invisible mobs instead of just deleting them.
-- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=10081/dustwraith
UPDATE creature_template SET faction_a=37, faction_h=37, unit_flags=0 WHERE entry=10081; -- fixes faction and unitflag
Later went through LBRS and found another non-attackable boss.
-- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=10584/urok-doomhowl
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=0 WHERE entry=10584; -- fixes unitflag
There were also some invisible NPCs but I just deleted them. I'll probably come back in here after V15 is released and try to fix the invisible mobs instead of just deleting them.
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