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V14 - Wintergrasp & Tol Barad / Baradin Hold


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Veteran Member
A quick feedback concerning TB/BH & WG (Horde test only)

Tol Barad > (only tested Horde side when defending)
Phasing or (de)spawning issue during active battleground.
Mobs are visible during the battle, and at the end of conflict we have doubles of every mob. (same problem existed with V13.1)

Baradin Hold > (only tested Horde side when in control)
Only 25m(normal) seems functional with mobs but missing one boss. https://www.wowhead.com/npc=47120/argaloth .
The other instances of BH seemed bugged, not even listing the level and diffculty.
Bosses can be one shotted and none have loot. (this I had corrected on V13.1 but unfortunately didn't keep the SQL, will redo)

Edit: Posted fix on https://www.wowhead.com/npc=47120/argaloth and one shot bosses.

Wintergrasp > (only tested Horde side when defending)
Phases issues with workshop goblin engineers in the fortress. (same problem existed with V13.1)
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