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V14 Strange Behavior From Lady Naz'jar and Throne of the Tides


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Tides, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] Lady Naz'Jar, NPC and Throne of the Tides, Dungeon
  • [Problem Description] During the second Waterspout phase, the two of Lady Naz'jar's minions that I was not actively attacking, including the Honor Guard I CCed with Repentance and the Tempest Witch I had not, reset to their initial spawn points. After killing the Tempest Witch I started with, engaging the Honor Guard, and getting the honor guard to around half, the remaining minions disappeared. While I cannot confirm this, I believe this may have coincided with the end of her Waterspout channel as I noticed it was getting close to ending when I engaged the Honor Guard. After this, this healed from around 30% HP to around 60% HP and began to initiate Waterspout again, however she continued to spam the initiation of Waterspout, never actually starting the phase again as it seemed she was trying to, while yelling her two lines for starting these phases in rapid succession. She performed no other actions and this continued until I killed her. After defeating her, Commander Ulthok did not spawn.
  • [How it should work] All of Lady Naz'jar's minions should engage the player/players when the phase begins and continue to attack them unless CCed, after which they should still not return to their spawn point. They should not despawn until killed, and Lady Naz'jar should reengage the player/players after one minute or after all three mobs are killed, whichever happens first. She should also never heal, and never attempt to initiate Waterspout more than twice in a given encounter. After she is defeated, Commander Ulthok, the Festering Prince, should spawn in the room before hers.