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V14 Quest bug 27983.


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Eastern Kingdoms, Searing Gorge, Alliance, Humain.
https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27983/lunks-adventure-cranky-little-dwarfs quest.
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=47332/lunk Lunk never followed you with all the quest in this area on the side of the alliance or the horde. Even then, you take the quest and he stays put and if you die next to him he disappears.

This area really needs to be looked at closely. After all, there are quests with a buff that doesn't work properly. The npc's in this area are not always at the right time at the right place. They come across them before the story was supposed to bring them here. The same goes for the horde.
And I hope all these reports are not written in vain.

Have a nice evening