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V14 - Lazy Peons


Verified Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Durotar, Horde, Any
  • [Name, Type] Lazy Peons Quest
  • [Problem Description] Multiple Problems.
    • Quest credit is not shared among party members
    • After whacking the lazy peon with the Forman's Blackjack either 2 things will happen.
      • 1 Lazy peon will stand there and do nothing indefinitely.
      • 2 Lazy peon will continue with his proper scripting and harvest lumber. However...
        • After being whacked awake, and the lazy peon continues his proper scripting it is taking 5+ minutes for the peon to fall back asleep. They should be falling back asleep to be whacked again in < 2 minutes.
  • [How it should work]
    • When whacking a peon awake you & the party should get credit for waking him up.
    • When the peon is awoken, he should promptly go back to work harvesting lumber.
    • Within a couple of cycles of harvesting lumber the lazy peon should fall back asleep.