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V14 Fun/solo Bugged NPC locations- The Mechanar


Veteran Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race] The Mechanar Dungeon- Outlands, Player faction: Alliance Dranei female
  • [Name, Type] Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill and Gatewatcher Iron-Hand, Incorrect npc locations
  • [Problem Description] These two npc's are patrolling a bridge much farther into the dungeon than they should be.
  • [How it should work] They should be standing still near the beginning of the dungeon on opposite sides at the top of each set of stairs. Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill's death should trigger the "Cache of the Legion" next to the elevator unlocking so it can be looted.
There are 2 database entries for both of these npc's when I run ".lookup" on their names.
19218 [Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill] & 21525 [Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill (1)]
19710 [Gatewatcher Iron-Hand] & 21526 [Gatewatcher Iron-Hand (1)]

EDIT: It looks like these two npc's have been used to replace the gauntlet of enemies you would normally face on the bridge above. This is a good work around for something that was probably hard to script. Will you unlock the "cache of the legion" for us since it has unique items for transmog though? Thank you!
Object ID's for the Cache are 184465 & 184849 (I assume that's normal and heroic.)


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