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V14 - Death night starting area


Warcraft Legacy
Veteran Member
Death knight starting area

Alliance side

Dwarf DK everything perfect until the end of the DK area and even in stormwind the guards send us rotten apples and bananas and sad faces, Perfect!! Perfect!!

Drainei DK everything perfect until the end of the DK area and even in stormwind the guards send us rotten apples and bananas and sad faces, Perfect!! Perfect!!

Worgen DK everything perfect except the quest he need kill someone from same race, is there but worgen player cant see it, not even in GM mode, npc info give us the info about the npc having 2 quests, they are there, I add to the player but the script didn’t start was need autocomplete:

Quest 12742 “A special surprise.” Quest giver NPC 29052 human Knight Commander Plaguefist

Quest 12800 “The Lich King´s command” Quest giver npc 29110 (Lich King)

(made 2 worgens in different accounts happen the same)

Didn’t test all races, but I believe is only about the race quest, worgen and goblins.

If someone could help test making some DKs diferente races in horde, was nice.

DK area is perfect no need nothing, only to show those 2 missions to the worgen until now.
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