- 2,316
- 2015
- 278
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- Denmark
This list is provided by players from our server.
Firelands 10 mn :
Spell caster NPCBots are having trouble to attack ragnaros properly in Firelands. It seems they are only able to use instant spells like living bomb on Him.
Dragon Souls 10 mn :
I was raiding Dragon Soul 10 nm and some of the dragons don't work in the temple. The one to Warlord worked for me, but the other 2 dragons don't mount you up to go to Yohr'sahj and Top of Wyrmrest.
Screenshot: Screenshot - fa2dcf840ddd51b3fd3e33d952b27466 - Gyazo
Throne Of The Tides Normal/HC :
Neptulon Isnt Interactive/Cant Talk To Him To Start Boss Fight Unable To Complete Dungeon
Lady Naz'Jar Is Not Lootable After Killing Her.
Sins of the sea witch : This quest do not count when players slay Lady Naz'jar, stays at 0/1
Sins of the Sea Witch - Quest - World of Warcraft
Rescue the Earthspeaker! : Erunak Stonespeaker Can't be rescued, stays at 0/1
Rescue the Earthspeaker! - Quest - World of Warcraft
Stonecore HC :
The Quest At The Entrance Of The Dungeon [Twilight Documents]
When Clicking On The Documents On The Floor Nothing Happens/Doesnt Complete The Quest
Stonecore Itself Is Unplayable (Only tested on heroic)
First Boss Comes Out Like Normal But Doesnt Kill The Adds That Stand There So You Fight Tons Of Mobs When Fighting Boss.
When leaving a dungeon after completing it, one of my two characters sometimes get the deserter debuff.
Screenshot: Screenshot - 628a5575b9d3efcf8d9d8d83f7b63db9 - Gyazo
The Oculus :
Soo after u kill the first boss u are supposed to chose a drake to mount up and continue the dungeon.
But after killing the first Boss "Drakos the Interrogator" i chose the "Amber Essence" Drake, but i summon him , drake appear but i dont mount it and the drake just stays there on the air and doesnt let u progress in the dungeon.
Dire Maul :
Random level 58 elites called Gordok Bushwacker spawn in the dungeon killed everything.
Screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...25613520951/unknown.png?width=1211&height=703
Throne of Four Winds (crashes server) :
The first boss if you get knocked off the ledge and die he mass summons Infernal placements which crash the server because they just keep spawning.
Blackwing Decent Boss bug (Potential Server crash) :
The Blackwing Decent worm boss infinitely spawns worms so fast that you can't kill them fast enough that they respawn also they don't despawn so they will stay there even after a failed attempt which has potential of crashing the server with enough adds out.
Firelands 10 mn :
Spell caster NPCBots are having trouble to attack ragnaros properly in Firelands. It seems they are only able to use instant spells like living bomb on Him.
Dragon Souls 10 mn :
I was raiding Dragon Soul 10 nm and some of the dragons don't work in the temple. The one to Warlord worked for me, but the other 2 dragons don't mount you up to go to Yohr'sahj and Top of Wyrmrest.
Screenshot: Screenshot - fa2dcf840ddd51b3fd3e33d952b27466 - Gyazo
Throne Of The Tides Normal/HC :
Neptulon Isnt Interactive/Cant Talk To Him To Start Boss Fight Unable To Complete Dungeon
Lady Naz'Jar Is Not Lootable After Killing Her.
Sins of the sea witch : This quest do not count when players slay Lady Naz'jar, stays at 0/1
Sins of the Sea Witch - Quest - World of Warcraft
Rescue the Earthspeaker! : Erunak Stonespeaker Can't be rescued, stays at 0/1
Rescue the Earthspeaker! - Quest - World of Warcraft
Stonecore HC :
The Quest At The Entrance Of The Dungeon [Twilight Documents]
When Clicking On The Documents On The Floor Nothing Happens/Doesnt Complete The Quest
Stonecore Itself Is Unplayable (Only tested on heroic)
First Boss Comes Out Like Normal But Doesnt Kill The Adds That Stand There So You Fight Tons Of Mobs When Fighting Boss.
When leaving a dungeon after completing it, one of my two characters sometimes get the deserter debuff.
Screenshot: Screenshot - 628a5575b9d3efcf8d9d8d83f7b63db9 - Gyazo
The Oculus :
Soo after u kill the first boss u are supposed to chose a drake to mount up and continue the dungeon.
But after killing the first Boss "Drakos the Interrogator" i chose the "Amber Essence" Drake, but i summon him , drake appear but i dont mount it and the drake just stays there on the air and doesnt let u progress in the dungeon.
Dire Maul :
Random level 58 elites called Gordok Bushwacker spawn in the dungeon killed everything.
Screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...25613520951/unknown.png?width=1211&height=703
Throne of Four Winds (crashes server) :
The first boss if you get knocked off the ledge and die he mass summons Infernal placements which crash the server because they just keep spawning.
Blackwing Decent Boss bug (Potential Server crash) :
The Blackwing Decent worm boss infinitely spawns worms so fast that you can't kill them fast enough that they respawn also they don't despawn so they will stay there even after a failed attempt which has potential of crashing the server with enough adds out.
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