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V12 Goblin Cutscene issue


Gold Supporter
Bay City, MI
The Lost Isle, Horde, Goblin ( male )
{Cutscene} from the ship wreck from Kezan to the Lost Isle
{Problem Description:} When the Cutscene ends and you're suppose to wake up on a piece of floating wood, however you just stay laying down. I've tried everything from rebooting the server, to making the player change race, same thing remains, But if he mounts on my 2 person mount it is fine.

(How It Should Work) Should stand up after a short duration.

I've tried a lot of troubleshooting steps but no fix.

EDIT: Just realized there is another instance where this happens, some creatures in ghostlands, the Silkweave Spider, and Zombie Grimscale ( murloc ) have the same thing they are "alive" but appear to be dead but show HPs
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
By memory in v11 I think I just clicked off the debuff that you get that makes you lay down.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
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MoP Premium
Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships
The Lost Isle, Horde, Goblin ( male )
{Cutscene} from the ship wreck from Kezan to the Lost Isle
{Problem Description:} When the Cutscene ends and you're suppose to wake up on a piece of floating wood, however you just stay laying down. I've tried everything from rebooting the server, to making the player change race, same thing remains, But if he mounts on my 2 person mount it is fine.

(How It Should Work) Should stand up after a short duration.

I've tried a lot of troubleshooting steps but no fix.

EDIT: Just realized there is another instance where this happens, some creatures in ghostlands, the Silkweave Spider, and Zombie Grimscale ( murloc ) have the same thing they are "alive" but appear to be dead but show HPs

The "dead" alive creatures/npcs is a different situation I believe.
I remember there is a quest of some sort, someone either shows up or is already there and they shock you back to life or something along those lines - Maybe you have to accept the quest from them first? This is all assuming anyone is even near you for this.
If noone is around you after the cutscene, and noone shows up after a while, try the command ".gm on" and see if they show up - Remember to do ".gm off" afterwards.

There isn't a debuff from what I was told. Is there a GM command that removes all debuffs?

I don't think there is a command other than something like ".unaura #auraid", but even then I don't believe that is the situation.

I remember playing goblins for a few minutes, getting to the island then quitting, one of the last times I played the repack (on newest release), and it worked just fine.
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