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V12 buglist 3


Mythical User
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Raid :

Bardon Hold :
Alizabal disappears at 30% HP, just to reappear after 30 seconds, with full health.

Blackwing Descent :

Magmaw :
Lava parasites keep spawning, killing every player

Chimaeron :
upon death, some players a ported to outer space.

Omnotron Defense system :
boss cant be attacked if player is revived during the fight.
Only 2 of the stone bosses are working.

Onyxia is walking through the ground at Nefarian's end.
Same goes for Nefarian himself.
The center is being filled with lava when onyxia is killed, killing everyone.

General :

Mobs disappears for a few seconds when they are killed.

Players are not getting Valor/Justice Points after defeating bosses in raids and dungeons.

Combat bug doesnt disappear after leaving a dungeon / Ending a fight.

Tol Barad :

Only GMs can open the doodad talbarad gates 1 at Tol Barad (Bridge)

The "Doodad tool barad door 1" at Bardon hold can be closed, and if you do so,
it cannot be opned again, therefor players can not enter the raid.

Quests :
In Grim Batol Given by Velastrasza "Soften Them up" ID 28852 does not count slain Trogg
In Grim Batol Given by Baleflame "Closing a Dark Chapter" ID 28854 after killing Erudax it does not complete the quest
In Grim Batol Given by Farseer "Tooranu "Kill the courier" ID 28853 Does not Drop an item you need for the quest

The path to dragon soul do not complete when Mannoroth is killed.
The Path to the Dragon Soul - Quest - World of Warcraft.

Dungeons :

Gordok commands :
The gordok spirit cannot die The Gordok spirit has 1/1 hp but cannot die for some reason.

The stockade :
"The Good Ol' Switcheroo" Randolph moloch slain
you cannot kill him when you finish him he just reappear as a friendly npc named Mortimer moloch

The Vortex Pinnacle :
Grand Vizier ertan doesnt drop Hes Heart
Quest Given by Itesh "A Long Way from Home" ID 28779
Quest Item "Grand Vizier Ertan's Heart" ID 65660.

The temple of atal'hakkar :
npc id 27604
Jammal'an the prophet keeps yelling shield be down! rise up atal'ai! rise up! over and over and never stops.

End Time :
Cant be entered through the portal | its working using LFG |.

Well of Eternity :
The legion Demon in front of the last crystal (Before first boss) cant be attacked, which stop the dungeon progression.
Players can not queue/enter for WOE because of missing achievements from | End Time |
Peroth'arn is only visible with gm on.

Hour of Twilight :
Players can not queue/enter for HOT because of missing achievements from | Well of Eternity |
You can't speak to Thrall and start the dungeon.
Arcurion is only visible with gm on.
Asira Dawnslayer is missing | Even with gm on |.

Deadmines Heroic :
Admiral Ripsnarl : Seems to be over-tuned, one shot bots including player.

You cannot queue with a priest and shaman because both queue as healer, is it possible to pick main healer like you do with tanks.

The Ruthless Gladiator sets are missing from NPC : Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes & Blood Guard Zar'shi

You cant trade any of these tokens from NPC Faldren Tillsdale & Jamus' Vaz
Corrupted Protector
Corrupted Vanquisher
Corrupted Conqueror
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Mythical User
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PVP wargames are not working.

Firelands 10m Normal = Beth' Talic kept evading us during the fight. She also disappeared after she died.

The orb of command used to enter Blackwing lair is not working.

Novos The Summoner, NPC (Boss encounter)
Location: Drak'Tharon Keep
What it does: The add wave in phase 1 spawn way too fast and way too many. (Never ends)
What it should do: There is usually an interval of 10-15 seconds between add waves in phase 1.

Darkweb Victim, NPC
Location: Drak'Tharon Keep inside the Draknid Lair
What it does: It attacks you and chases you, stays at 0% hp and doesn't die
What it should do: It should die and free a victim.

Gordok Bushwacker | Dire Maul |
Random level 58 elites called Gordok Bushwacker spawn in the dungeon killed everything.

Screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...25613520951/unknown.png?width=1211&height=703.

Dragon soul 10M Normal - Travel to the deck of skyfire do not teleport players.
The last 3 bosses are not playable..

Crossfaction battleground setting is causing the worldserver.exe to become unstable = multiple crashes.

Blackwing lair :
The last boss can't be target by players - Nefarian - NPC - World of Warcraft

Black Temple
Illidan boss fight cant be activated by talking to Akama.

Utgarde Pinnacle HC : The orb in trophy hall doesn't revive every mob, therefore we can't kill Gortok Palehoof ( ID 26687 )
Skadi the Ruthless ( ID 26693 ) doesn't drop any harpoons, makes it impossible to kill him.

Dire Maul West : Lord Hel'nurath (14506) Can be summoned by none warlock. Lord Hel'nurath - NPC - World of Warcraft
( Lord Hel'nurath is a special boss that you can encounter in Dire Maul West. Hel'nurath can only be summoned by Warlocks who possess the three summoning items obtained during their Epic Mount Questline )

The Oculus Normal : None of the drakes you are given after killing Drakos the Interrogator ( 27654 )
They stay up in the air making it impossible to mount.
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Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Another server crash



Mythical User
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Dragon Soul

- Twilight Siege Breaker (NPC)
Has only 894 hp

Fight works as intended, only bug I've encountered is that only the player gets targeted by Resonating Crystal and that Stomp only kills/damages the player. In my opinion i think it has something to do with the way the boss interacts with the bots rather than it being bugged.


Warlord Zon'ozz:
Fight simply isn't doable as the bots are unable to properly reach the Maw of Go'rath. And if the manage to reach the area, the whole raid is pulled.


Yor'sahj the Unsleeping:
Same as with Warlord Zon'ozz, the bots aren't able to properly reach the Maw where the fight takes place.
The whole raid will be pulled inside.


Deathwing doesn't spawn at the start of the fight but u can see him talking


blackwing descent

No multiple lockouts are currently available for raids, for example: 10 man, 25 man, heroic etc.
Raid achievement system broken

Blackwing Descent Missing Achievements and bosses:

Omnotron Defense System (no achievement)
Antramedes (not spawning)

The elevator after the second boss doesn't work.

Dungeon - The Oculus Normal

After killing the first boss you are supposed to chose a drake to mount and continue the dungeon.

But after killing the first Boss "Drakos the Interrogator" i chose the "Amber Essence" Drake, but after the summoning, the drake appear but i don't get to mount it because it never lands on the ground, which mean you can't progress in the dungeon.

General :

When leaving a dungeon after completing it, some characters sometimes get the deserter debuff.

Zul aman quest :

Zul'Aman quest "The Captive Souls" cant be completed due to some prisioners cant be rescued. The cage is unclicable

Npc bots :

Bots in raid groups sometimes have a visual bug showing no HP or showing X2 Hp
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Veteran Member
BlackVision , thanks for bug report , i wanted to post that too . Hope all will be fixed on v13 .



Fixes so far from your buglist (3) on V13 (VIP) - still need to go through some more of these reports + the comments:

-- buglist 3

-- Bardon Hold :
- Alizabal disappears at 30% HP, just to reappear after 30 seconds, with full health.
Can't seem to reproduce. Would need a video if it still appears on V13.

-- Mobs disappears for a few seconds when they are killed.
Can't reproduce, would need a video of this.

-- Players are not getting Valor/Justice Points after defeating bosses in raids and dungeons.
FIXED, big thanks to Damien!

-- Tol Barad:
- Only GMs can open the doodad talbarad gates 1 at Tol Barad (Bridge)
- The "Doodad tool barad door 1" at Bardon hold can be closed, and if you do so,
- It cannot be opned again, therefor players can not enter the raid.

-- The gordok spirit cannot die The Gordok spirit has 1/1 hp but cannot die for some reason.

-- The stockade :
- "The Good Ol' Switcheroo" Randolph moloch slain
- you cannot kill him when you finish him he just reappear as a friendly npc named Mortimer moloch
Can't reproduce. Would need a video if it still happens on V13 for you.

-- Grand Vizier ertan doesnt drop Hes Heart
Can't reproduce. Test if it still happens on V13.

-- The temple of atal'hakkar :
- npc id 27604
- Jammal'an the prophet keeps yelling shield be down! rise up atal'ai! rise up! over and over and never stops.

-- The Ruthless Gladiator sets are missing from NPC : Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes & Blood Guard Zar'shi

-- End Time :
- Cant be entered through the portal | its working using LFG |.
Blizzlike: EndTime can only be entered through Heroic Version.

- Admiral Ripsnarl : Seems to be over-tuned, one shot bots including player.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
I Will go through the buglist in V13.

Mobs dont disappear/reappear upon Death on (Test)
But does in V12.
I Will provide you with a video.

And again, thanks