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[v11] Vir'nall Dam


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MoP Premium
[Location, Faction, Race] Uldum (Vir'nall Dam), Only tested as Alliance, Only tested on a Night Elf (though I feel the race and faction don't matter in this case)
[Name, Type] Vir'nall Dam, Area (https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?area=5666)
[Problem Description] At the Vir'nall Dam, if you go down the stairs to the inside of the Dam, portions of that area make your breath meter go down as if you are underwater. Going to the ends of it (to the stairs back up) will get rid of this effect.
[How it should work] The inside of the Vir'nall Dam shouldn't make the breath meter show up since you are not really underwater in this case.