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[v11] Raid Difficulties


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MoP Premium
[Location, Faction, Race] Raid Difficulty Selector (No specific location this time, but it's related to the raids...so Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds are the ones I've tried so far), Only tested as Alliance, Only tested on a Night Elf (though I feel the race and faction don't matter in this case)
[Name, Type] Raid Difficulty Selector, Game (Not entirely sure what category this would fall under)
[Problem Description] Raid Difficulty looks like it's defaulting to 10 man normal despite other difficulties being chosen. Tried with 10 man heroic, 25 man, 25 man heroic, the difficulty you select does remain selected and the portal itself changes visually to represent the difficulty, but after entering the raid it can be seen that it's still the 10 man normal version. You can tell by the number in the upper right, the fact that stats such as health don't change, and gear drops are for normal. Also no heroic bosses (so no Sinestra in BoT even if you have heroic selected).
[How it should work] Selecting a raid difficulty should allow you to enter a raid with that difficulty.

I don't actually know if this should be here or not, since I don't know whether the selector should work on this version or if it hasn't been developed yet, but figured why not just put this as a bug anyway.


Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Good catch. No, since I was playing alone I hadn't created a raid group. Just tried creating a raid group and trying it with and the difficulties are switching as they should.