The worldserver crashes when you take the quest : 14465
Tested with a theft character worgen.
Tested with a theft character worgen.
worldserver process priority class set to HIGH
Starting Trinity RA on port 3443 on
Starting up anti-freeze thread (15 seconds max stuck time)...
EmuCoach ver. a9ccfa710365 2019-01-10 06:17:51 -0800 (master branch) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
EscortAI (script: npc_swift_mountain_horse, creature entry: 36741) starts with 0 waypoints (possible missing entry in script_waypoint. Quest: 14465).
EscortAI (script: npc_swift_mountain_horse, creature entry: 36741) starts with 0 waypoints (possible missing entry in script_waypoint. Quest: 0).
Revision: EmuCoach ver. a9ccfa710365 2019-01-10 06:17:51 -0800 (master branch) (Win32, Release)
Date 15:1:2019. Time 22:20
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
Number Of Processors: 4
Physical Memory: 4194303 KB (Available: 3593556 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
*** Operation System ***
Windows 8 Home Edition (Version 6.2, Build 9200)
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00134693 01:00033693 C:\Users\titesusy\Desktop\serveurs privés wow\cataclysm\Serveur EmuCoach v10 - Cata\V10, Release - Emucoach\worldserver.exe
SS:ESP:002B:346DEC0C EBP:346DFD18
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00134693 00000000 0001:00033693 C:\Users\titesusy\Desktop\serveurs privés wow\cataclysm\Serveur EmuCoach v10 - Cata\V10, Release - Emucoach\worldserver.exe
006D214E 00000000 0001:005D114E C:\Users\titesusy\Desktop\serveurs privés wow\cataclysm\Serveur EmuCoach v10 - Cata\V10, Release - Emucoach\worldserver.exe
5E467EE1 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+A1
7461E87F 00000000 _o____lc_collate_cp_func+4F
74B38484 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+24
77BC3AB8 00000000 RtlAreBitsSet+88
77BC3A88 00000000 RtlAreBitsSet+58
Local Variables And Parameters
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00134693 00000000 0001:00033693 C:\Users\titesusy\Desktop\serveurs privés wow\cataclysm\Serveur EmuCoach v10 - Cata\V10, Release - Emucoach\worldserver.exe
006D214E 00000000 0001:005D114E C:\Users\titesusy\Desktop\serveurs privés wow\cataclysm\Serveur EmuCoach v10 - Cata\V10, Release - Emucoach\worldserver.exe
5E467EE1 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+A1
7461E87F 00000000 _o____lc_collate_cp_func+4F
74B38484 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+24
77BC3AB8 00000000 RtlAreBitsSet+88
77BC3A88 00000000 RtlAreBitsSet+58
Global Variables