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V10 Quest A Staggering Effort - Not Working

Varal Al'Kadash

Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Location: Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom/Horde
Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde
Issue: Followed the instructions in the quest to kill a stag north of Orgrimmar and use item 58949 Stag Eye on Fishing Pole, to attempt to fish up a Sandy Carp in the prescibed area in Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom; no Sandy Carp. Obtained another Stag Eye used it on my fishing pole and no Sandy Carp. Each Sandy Carp lasts only 10 minutes. I think this quest is not working as intended. This used to work in versions prior to V10. I had to manually complete the quest: .quest complete 26557.