I can test it but by memory, i don't really use "static" guids. Infact, for these midsummer scripts i used, i worked a lot with multiple requests. The guids are detected by one request which is injected to the real treatment (like the assignement for the gameobject_event table). The real "static" variable i use is for Ids/entries, so it works. But yes, i'll check it before the end of today. I'll repost on this thread to relate the testings.
The code was been rewrite because of displaying on the forum. Indeed, the displaying in "quote" wasn't a good solution because some numbers up to 1000 was formated to 1 000. It could create some displaying bugs.... but now it's fixed by the "code" format (which prevent every typing formats)
The code has been deployed and testings phase will start in a couple of hours - and been completed before midnight)
But to agree with you, i'll have to check too the candy buckets because i used a lot the guids (i was starting in sql). I'll check the halloween event after the testing of midsummer