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V10 Halloween + LETC events


Veteran Member
It seems we have some issues with the halloween event and etc. I rewrote the scripts, i post them here :

-- Last Revision 2019.01.19 by Titesusy
-- Modificable setup STARTING HERE

-- GUID = 'my_id+0' To GUID = 'my_id+180' must be FREE, 
-- or you will have errors from duplication primary keys tentatives

SET @my_id=600000; -- You can modify this variable.


-- To note: The ETC sql is mainly made by event horizon

UPDATE `game_event` SET `start_time`='2014-09-19 20:00:00', `end_time`='2030-01-01 23:00:0',`occurence`='1440',`length`='5' WHERE (`eventEntry`='32');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23623') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23624') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23626') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23619') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23830') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `link`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23625') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_flags`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23830') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');

UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='3000', `event_param2`='3000', `event_flags`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23624') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='3000', `event_param2`='3000', `event_flags`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23623') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='3000', `event_param2`='3000', `event_flags`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23619') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='3000', `event_param2`='3000', `event_flags`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23626') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_flags`='0', `event_param1`='3000', `event_param2`='3000' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23625') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_flags`='1' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23625') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='0');

UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_flags`='1' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23624') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='0'); // Bug fix on 23624 with flames...


DELETE FROM game_event_gameobject_quest
WHERE ( id = '208120' AND quest =  '28954');

INSERT INTO `game_event_gameobject_quest` (`eventEntry`, `id`, `quest`) VALUES ('12', '208120', '28954');

DELETE FROM item_loot_template
WHERE (entry = '37586' AND ( item = '49212' OR item = '49210' OR item = '49216' OR item = '49215' ));

INSERT INTO `item_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`) VALUES 
('37586', '49212', '6'), ('37586', '49210', '6'), ('37586', '49216', '6'), ('37586', '49215', '6');

-- Deleting the existings candy bucket in game_event_gameobject table to prevent any duplications...

DELETE FROM game_event_gameobject
WHERE game_event_gameobject.guid IN 
(SELECT gameobject.guid
WHERE gameobject.id IN
(189303, 190034, 190035, 190036, 190037, 190038, 190039, 190110, 190111, 190112, 190113, 190114, 190115, 190116, 191878,
190040, 190041, 190043, 190044, 190045, 190046, 190047, 190048, 190051, 190052, 190053, 190054, 190055, 190056, 190057,
190058, 190059, 190060, 190061, 190062, 190063, 190064, 190065, 190066, 190067, 190068, 190069, 190070, 190071, 190072,
190073, 190074, 190075, 190076, 190078, 190079, 190080, 190082, 190083, 190084, 190085, 190086, 190088, 190089, 190090,
190091, 190096, 190097, 190098, 190099, 190100, 190101, 190102, 190103, 190104, 190105, 190106, 190107, 190108, 190109,
191879, 191880, 191881, 191882, 191883, 192018, 194056, 194057, 194058, 194059, 194060, 194061, 194062, 194063, 194064,
194065, 194066, 194067, 194068, 194069, 194070, 194071, 194072, 194073, 194074, 194075, 194076, 194077, 194078, 194079,
194080, 194081, 194084, 194119, 208115, 208116, 208117, 208118, 208119, 208120, 208121, 208122, 208123, 208124, 208125,
208126, 208127, 208128, 208129, 208130, 208131, 208132, 208133, 208134, 208135, 208136, 208137, 208138, 208139, 208140,
208141, 208142, 208143, 208144, 208145, 208146, 208147, 208148, 208149, 208150, 208151, 208153, 208154, 208155, 208156,
208157, 208158, 208159, 208160, 208161, 208162, 208163, 208164, 208165, 208166, 208167, 208168,  208169, 208170, 208171,
208172, 208173, 208174, 208175, 208176, 208177, 208178, 208179, 208180, 208181, 208183));

-- Deleting the Candy Bucket already existing....
DELETE FROM gameobject
WHERE gameobject.id IN
(189303, 190034, 190035, 190036, 190037, 190038, 190039, 190110, 190111, 190112, 190113, 190114, 190115, 190116, 191878,
190040, 190041, 190043, 190044, 190045, 190046, 190047, 190048, 190051, 190052, 190053, 190054, 190055, 190056, 190057,
190058, 190059, 190060, 190061, 190062, 190063, 190064, 190065, 190066, 190067, 190068, 190069, 190070, 190071, 190072,
190073, 190074, 190075, 190076, 190078, 190079, 190080, 190082, 190083, 190084, 190085, 190086, 190088, 190089, 190090,
190091, 190096, 190097, 190098, 190099, 190100, 190101, 190102, 190103, 190104, 190105, 190106, 190107, 190108, 190109,
191879, 191880, 191881, 191882, 191883, 192018, 194056, 194057, 194058, 194059, 194060, 194061, 194062, 194063, 194064,
194065, 194066, 194067, 194068, 194069, 194070, 194071, 194072, 194073, 194074, 194075, 194076, 194077, 194078, 194079,
194080, 194081, 194084, 194119, 208115, 208116, 208117, 208118, 208119, 208120, 208121, 208122, 208123, 208124, 208125,
208126, 208127, 208128, 208129, 208130, 208131, 208132, 208133, 208134, 208135, 208136, 208137, 208138, 208139, 208140,
208141, 208142, 208143, 208144, 208145, 208146, 208147, 208148, 208149, 208150, 208151, 208153, 208154, 208155, 208156,
208157, 208158, 208159, 208160, 208161, 208162, 208163, 208164, 208165, 208166, 208167, 208168,  208169, 208170, 208171,
208172, 208173, 208174, 208175, 208176, 208177, 208178, 208179, 208180, 208181, 208183);

-- Insertion into GAMEOBJECT Table

INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`) VALUES 


UPDATE `quest_template` SET `RequiredRaces`='0' WHERE 
(`Id`='12403') OR (`Id`='12406') OR (`Id`='12407') OR 
(`Id`='12408') OR (`Id`='12397') OR (`Id`='12400') OR
(`Id`='12401') OR (`Id`='12399') OR (`Id`='12398') OR (`Id`='12396');

-- Links between candy buckets and quests 
DELETE FROM gameobject_questrelation
(189303, 190034, 190035, 190036, 190037, 190038, 190039, 190110, 190111, 190112, 190113, 190114, 190115, 190116, 191878,
190040, 190041, 190043, 190044, 190045, 190046, 190047, 190048, 190051, 190052, 190053, 190054, 190055, 190056, 190057,
190058, 190059, 190060, 190061, 190062, 190063, 190064, 190065, 190066, 190067, 190068, 190069, 190070, 190071, 190072,
190073, 190074, 190075, 190076, 190078, 190079, 190080, 190082, 190083, 190084, 190085, 190086, 190088, 190089, 190090,
190091, 190096, 190097, 190098, 190099, 190100, 190101, 190102, 190103, 190104, 190105, 190106, 190107, 190108, 190109,
191879, 191880, 191881, 191882, 191883, 192018, 194056, 194057, 194058, 194059, 194060, 194061, 194062, 194063, 194064,
194065, 194066, 194067, 194068, 194069, 194070, 194071, 194072, 194073, 194074, 194075, 194076, 194077, 194078, 194079,
194080, 194081, 194084, 194119, 208115, 208116, 208117, 208118, 208119, 208120, 208121, 208122, 208123, 208124, 208125,
208126, 208127, 208128, 208129, 208130, 208131, 208132, 208133, 208134, 208135, 208136, 208137, 208138, 208139, 208140,
208141, 208142, 208143, 208144, 208145, 208146, 208147, 208148, 208149, 208150, 208151, 208153, 208154, 208155, 208156,
208157, 208158, 208159, 208160, 208161, 208162, 208163, 208164, 208165, 208166, 208167, 208168,  208169, 208170, 208171,
208172, 208173, 208174, 208175, 208176, 208177, 208178, 208179, 208180, 208181, 208183);

INSERT INTO `gameobject_questrelation` (`id`, `quest`) VALUES 
('189303','12286'), ('190034','12331'), ('190035','12345'), ('190036','12332'), ('190037','12333'), ('190038','12334'), ('190039','12335'), ('190040','12336'),
('190041','12337'), ('190043','12339'), ('190044','12343'), ('190045','12341'), ('190046','12342'), ('190047','12340'), ('190048','12344'),
('190051','12348'), ('190052','12349'), ('190053','12350'), ('190054','12351'), ('190055','12352'), ('190056','12353'), ('190057','12354'),
('190058','12355'), ('190059','12356'), ('190060','12357'), ('190061','12358'), ('190062','12359'), ('190063','12360'), ('190064','12361'),
('190065','12362'), ('190066','12363'), ('190067','12364'), ('190068','12365'), ('190069','12366'), ('190070','12367'), ('190071','12368'),
('190072','12369'), ('190073','12370'), ('190074','12371'), ('190075','12373'), ('190076','12374'), ('190078','12376'), ('190079','12377'),
('190080','12378'), ('190082','12380'), ('190083','12381'), ('190084','12382'), ('190085','12383'), ('190086','12384'), ('190088','12386'),
('190089','12387'), ('190090','12388'), ('190091','12389'), ('190096','12390'), ('190097','12391'), ('190098','12392'), ('190099','12393'),
('190100','12394'), ('190101','12395'), ('190102','12396'), ('190103','12397'), ('190104','12398'), ('190105','12399'), ('190106','12400'),
('190107','12401'), ('190108','12402'), ('190109','12403'), ('190110','12404'), ('190111','12404'), ('190112','12406'), ('190113','12407'),
('190114','12408'), ('190115','12409'), ('190116','12409'), ('191878','12940'), ('191879','12941'), ('191880','12946'), ('191881','12947'),
('191882','12944'), ('191883','12945'), ('192018','12950'), ('194056','13433'), ('194057','13434'), ('194058','13435'), ('194059','13436'),
('194060','13437'), ('194061','13438'), ('194062','13439'), ('194063','13448'), ('194064','13473'), ('194065','13452'), ('194066','13456'),
('194067','13459'), ('194068','13460'), ('194069','13461'), ('194070','13462'), ('194071','13463'), ('194072','13472'), ('194073','13464'),
('194074','13465'), ('194075','13466'), ('194076','13467'), ('194077','13468'), ('194078','13469'), ('194079','13470'), ('194080','13471'),
('194081','13474'), ('194084','13501'), ('194119','13548'), ('208115','28951'), ('208116','28952'), ('208117','28953'), ('208118','28958'),
('208119','28989'), ('208120','28954'), ('208121','28956'), ('208122','28960'), ('208123','28961'), ('208124','28963'), ('208125','28964'),
('208126','28968'), ('208127','28970'), ('208128','28977'), ('208129','28980'), ('208130','28978'), ('208131','28979'), ('208132','28985'),
('208133','28983'), ('208134','28988'), ('208135','28991'), ('208136','28990'), ('208137','28955'), ('208138','28965'), ('208139','28967'),
('208140','28992'), ('208141','28981'), ('208142','28982'), ('208143','28957'), ('208144','28959'), ('208145','28962'), ('208146','28966'),
('208147','28969'), ('208148','28971'), ('208149','28972'), ('208150','28973'), ('208151','28974'), ('208153','28976'), ('208154','28984'),
('208155','28986'), ('208156','28987'), ('208157','28993'), ('208158','28994'), ('208159','28995'), ('208160','28996'), ('208161','28998'),
('208162','28999'), ('208163','29000'), ('208164','29001'), ('208165','29002'), ('208166','29003'), ('208167','29004'), ('208168','29005'), 
('208169','29006'), ('208170','29007'), ('208171','29008'), ('208172','29009'), ('208173','29010'), ('208174','29011'), ('208175','29012'),
('208176','29013'), ('208177','29014'), ('208178','29016'), ('208179','29017'), ('208180','29018'), ('208181','29019'), ('208183','29020');

DELETE FROM gameobject_involvedrelation
WHERE gameobject_involvedrelation.id IN
(189303, 190034, 190035, 190036, 190037, 190038, 190039, 190110, 190111, 190112, 190113, 190114, 190115, 190116, 191878,
190040, 190041, 190043, 190044, 190045, 190046, 190047, 190048, 190051, 190052, 190053, 190054, 190055, 190056, 190057,
190058, 190059, 190060, 190061, 190062, 190063, 190064, 190065, 190066, 190067, 190068, 190069, 190070, 190071, 190072,
190073, 190074, 190075, 190076, 190078, 190079, 190080, 190082, 190083, 190084, 190085, 190086, 190088, 190089, 190090,
190091, 190096, 190097, 190098, 190099, 190100, 190101, 190102, 190103, 190104, 190105, 190106, 190107, 190108, 190109,
191879, 191880, 191881, 191882, 191883, 192018, 194056, 194057, 194058, 194059, 194060, 194061, 194062, 194063, 194064,
194065, 194066, 194067, 194068, 194069, 194070, 194071, 194072, 194073, 194074, 194075, 194076, 194077, 194078, 194079,
194080, 194081, 194084, 194119, 208115, 208116, 208117, 208118, 208119, 208120, 208121, 208122, 208123, 208124, 208125,
208126, 208127, 208128, 208129, 208130, 208131, 208132, 208133, 208134, 208135, 208136, 208137, 208138, 208139, 208140,
208141, 208142, 208143, 208144, 208145, 208146, 208147, 208148, 208149, 208150, 208151, 208153, 208154, 208155, 208156,
208157, 208158, 208159, 208160, 208161, 208162, 208163, 208164, 208165, 208166, 208167, 208168,  208169, 208170, 208171,
208172, 208173, 208174, 208175, 208176, 208177, 208178, 208179, 208180, 208181, 208183);

INSERT INTO `gameobject_involvedrelation` (`id`, `quest`) VALUES 
('189303','12286'), ('190034','12331'), ('190035','12345'), ('190036','12332'), ('190037','12333'), ('190038','12334'), ('190039','12335'), ('190040','12336'),
('190041','12337'), ('190043','12339'), ('190044','12343'), ('190045','12341'), ('190046','12342'), ('190047','12340'), ('190048','12344'),
('190051','12348'), ('190052','12349'), ('190053','12350'), ('190054','12351'), ('190055','12352'), ('190056','12353'), ('190057','12354'),
('190058','12355'), ('190059','12356'), ('190060','12357'), ('190061','12358'), ('190062','12359'), ('190063','12360'), ('190064','12361'),
('190065','12362'), ('190066','12363'), ('190067','12364'), ('190068','12365'), ('190069','12366'), ('190070','12367'), ('190071','12368'),
('190072','12369'), ('190073','12370'), ('190074','12371'), ('190075','12373'), ('190076','12374'), ('190078','12376'), ('190079','12377'),
('190080','12378'), ('190082','12380'), ('190083','12381'), ('190084','12382'), ('190085','12383'), ('190086','12384'), ('190088','12386'),
('190089','12387'), ('190090','12388'), ('190091','12389'), ('190096','12390'), ('190097','12391'), ('190098','12392'), ('190099','12393'),
('190100','12394'), ('190101','12395'), ('190102','12396'), ('190103','12397'), ('190104','12398'), ('190105','12399'), ('190106','12400'),
('190107','12401'), ('190108','12402'), ('190109','12403'), ('190110','12404'), ('190111','12404'), ('190112','12406'), ('190113','12407'),
('190114','12408'), ('190115','12409'), ('190116','12409'), ('191878','12940'), ('191879','12941'), ('191880','12946'), ('191881','12947'),
('191882','12944'), ('191883','12945'), ('192018','12950'), ('194056','13433'), ('194057','13434'), ('194058','13435'), ('194059','13436'),
('194060','13437'), ('194061','13438'), ('194062','13439'), ('194063','13448'), ('194064','13473'), ('194065','13452'), ('194066','13456'),
('194067','13459'), ('194068','13460'), ('194069','13461'), ('194070','13462'), ('194071','13463'), ('194072','13472'), ('194073','13464'),
('194074','13465'), ('194075','13466'), ('194076','13467'), ('194077','13468'), ('194078','13469'), ('194079','13470'), ('194080','13471'),
('194081','13474'), ('194084','13501'), ('194119','13548'), ('208115','28951'), ('208116','28952'), ('208117','28953'), ('208118','28958'),
('208119','28989'), ('208120','28954'), ('208121','28956'), ('208122','28960'), ('208123','28961'), ('208124','28963'), ('208125','28964'),
('208126','28968'), ('208127','28970'), ('208128','28977'), ('208129','28980'), ('208130','28978'), ('208131','28979'), ('208132','28985'),
('208133','28983'), ('208134','28988'), ('208135','28991'), ('208136','28990'), ('208137','28955'), ('208138','28965'), ('208139','28967'),
('208140','28992'), ('208141','28981'), ('208142','28982'), ('208143','28957'), ('208144','28959'), ('208145','28962'), ('208146','28966'),
('208147','28969'), ('208148','28971'), ('208149','28972'), ('208150','28973'), ('208151','28974'), ('208153','28976'), ('208154','28984'),
('208155','28986'), ('208156','28987'), ('208157','28993'), ('208158','28994'), ('208159','28995'), ('208160','28996'), ('208161','28998'),
('208162','28999'), ('208163','29000'), ('208164','29001'), ('208165','29002'), ('208166','29003'), ('208167','29004'), ('208168','29005'), 
('208169','29006'), ('208170','29007'), ('208171','29008'), ('208172','29009'), ('208173','29010'), ('208174','29011'), ('208175','29012'),
('208176','29013'), ('208177','29014'), ('208178','29016'), ('208179','29017'), ('208180','29018'), ('208181','29019'), ('208183','29020');


-- Insertion into the game_event_object table.
INSERT INTO `game_event_gameobject` (eventEntry, guid)
SELECT '12' , gameobject.guid
FROM gameobject
WHERE gameobject.guid IN (
@my_id, @my_id+1, @my_id+2, @my_id+3, @my_id+4, @my_id+5, @my_id+6, @my_id+7, @my_id+8, @my_id+9, @my_id+10, @my_id+11, @my_id+12, @my_id+13,
@my_id+14, @my_id+15, @my_id+16, @my_id+17, @my_id+18, @my_id+19, @my_id+20, @my_id+21, @my_id+22, @my_id+23, @my_id+24, @my_id+25, @my_id+26, 
@my_id+27, @my_id+28, @my_id+29, @my_id+30, @my_id+31, @my_id+32, @my_id+33, @my_id+34, @my_id+35, @my_id+36, @my_id+37, @my_id+38, @my_id+39, 
@my_id+40, @my_id+41, @my_id+42, @my_id+43, @my_id+44, @my_id+45, @my_id+46, @my_id+47, @my_id+48, @my_id+49, @my_id+50, @my_id+51, @my_id+52, 
@my_id+53, @my_id+54, @my_id+55, @my_id+56, @my_id+57, @my_id+58, @my_id+59, @my_id+60, @my_id+61, @my_id+62, @my_id+63, @my_id+64, @my_id+65, 
@my_id+66, @my_id+67, @my_id+68, @my_id+69, @my_id+70, @my_id+71, @my_id+72, @my_id+73, @my_id+74, @my_id+75, @my_id+76, @my_id+77, @my_id+78, 
@my_id+79, @my_id+80, @my_id+81, @my_id+82, @my_id+83, @my_id+84, @my_id+85, @my_id+86, @my_id+87, @my_id+88, @my_id+89, @my_id+90, @my_id+91, 
@my_id+92, @my_id+93, @my_id+94, @my_id+95, @my_id+96, @my_id+97, @my_id+98, @my_id+99, @my_id+100, @my_id+101, @my_id+102, @my_id+103, @my_id+104, 
@my_id+105, @my_id+106, @my_id+107, @my_id+108, @my_id+109, @my_id+110, @my_id+111, @my_id+112, @my_id+113, @my_id+114, @my_id+115, @my_id+116, 
@my_id+117, @my_id+118, @my_id+119, @my_id+120, @my_id+121, @my_id+122, @my_id+123, @my_id+124, @my_id+125, @my_id+126, @my_id+127, @my_id+128, 
@my_id+129, @my_id+130, @my_id+131, @my_id+132, @my_id+133, @my_id+134, @my_id+135, @my_id+136, @my_id+137, @my_id+138, @my_id+139, @my_id+140, 
@my_id+141, @my_id+142, @my_id+143, @my_id+144, @my_id+145, @my_id+146, @my_id+147, @my_id+148, @my_id+149, @my_id+150, @my_id+151, @my_id+152, 
@my_id+153, @my_id+154, @my_id+155, @my_id+156, @my_id+157, @my_id+158, @my_id+159, @my_id+160, @my_id+161, @my_id+162, @my_id+163, @my_id+164, 
@my_id+165, @my_id+166, @my_id+167, @my_id+168, @my_id+169, @my_id+170, @my_id+171, @my_id+172, @my_id+173, @my_id+174, @my_id+175);

-- Kraazar phasemask. It must be done at the end because of possible treatment (deletions, creations) in the gameobject table
UPDATE `gameobject` SET `phaseMask`='2' WHERE (id = '208153');
Last edited:


Veteran Member
I'll test the script before the end of this day. The execution is already done. I already tested the multiple running of these scripts. It's ok! (The previous version of halloween scripts couldn't because of absence of "delete from" commands.
The candy buckets have to be checked (i'll do it before midnight, do not worry)


I'll test the script before the end of this day. The execution is already done. I already tested the multiple running of these scripts. It's ok! (The previous version of halloween scripts couldn't because of absence of "delete from" commands.
The candy buckets have to be checked (i'll do it before midnight, do not worry)

Awesome! Great job.

If you can test it within the next couple of hours, I can include it for release v.10 (2) because I am releasing that soon.


Veteran Member
i'm testing actually. Major bugs are fixed. I'm mainly testing now if every candybuckets are covered as well with one horde and one alliance character. Warning, the scripts code are updated (since your last answer)


Veteran Member
Alliance character successfully tested. It remains one horde character now (and the test will be completed ... in one hour :) )


Veteran Member
Tests are done with horde and alliance characters.
To note, these tests were made by "lambda" characters, that's means they didn't do others quests from the areas. Maybe some candybucket may disappear from a phasemask... Let me know it. Thanks by advance.
You can upload it into V10(2) [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION]

Update to fix the next issue.

Horde known issue (semi fixed because don't know how many phases had script):
object guid = 600146 or id = 208153
have to put it in phase 2. But I don't know how many phase had been scripted, so maybe to add some candybucket for each phase? I don't really know about it, i'm sorry.
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
Tests are done with horde and alliance characters.
To note, these tests were made by "lambda" characters, that's means they didn't do others quests from the areas. Maybe some candybucket may disappear from a phasemask... Let me know it. Thanks by advance.
You can upload it into V10(2) [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION]

Update to fix the next issue.

Horde known issue (semi fixed because don't know how many phases had script):
object guid = 600146 or id = 208153
have to put it in phase 2. But I don't know how many phase had been scripted, so maybe to add some candybucket for each phase? I don't really know about it, i'm sorry.

Do you use event horzion SAI?


Veteran Member
[MENTION=7506]ravish123[/MENTION] for creature / gobject scripting, yes. For LETC, i used event horizon, yes.
But i'm not too much experienced into it.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
[MENTION=7506]ravish123[/MENTION] for creature / gobject scripting, yes. For LETC, i used event horizon, yes.
But i'm not too much experienced into it.

Can you send the link to the event horizon ur using or upload the file?


Veteran Member
Can you send the link to the event horizon ur using or upload the file?

I didn't really checked if it's the same version of event horizon, but looking at the last date of modification, it's matching between mine and the download link. so....
For tutorials about event horizon, i don't remember if there are some in our forums (Emucoach, maybe in tutorial). But else, there should be some youtube videos or on ac-web forums


Veteran Member
First of all, thanks for the credits in changelog :) Thanks for the V10(1) too!

Great, will include it for the release coming monday.

hummm you forgot it i think :)
Because halloween isn't included (quests aren't available)
My test: (check the database about the questgivers : if they really give their quests. They can reward the quest (i made the same request to the gameobject_involvedrelation table, and it seems that table has the records. So they can reward but nobody can give the quests. (the script to use is here)

select *
FROM gameobject_questrelation
(189303, 190034, 190035, 190036, 190037, 190038, 190039, 190110, 190111, 190112, 190113, 190114, 190115, 190116, 191878,
190040, 190041, 190043, 190044, 190045, 190046, 190047, 190048, 190051, 190052, 190053, 190054, 190055, 190056, 190057,
190058, 190059, 190060, 190061, 190062, 190063, 190064, 190065, 190066, 190067, 190068, 190069, 190070, 190071, 190072,
190073, 190074, 190075, 190076, 190078, 190079, 190080, 190082, 190083, 190084, 190085, 190086, 190088, 190089, 190090,
190091, 190096, 190097, 190098, 190099, 190100, 190101, 190102, 190103, 190104, 190105, 190106, 190107, 190108, 190109,
191879, 191880, 191881, 191882, 191883, 192018, 194056, 194057, 194058, 194059, 194060, 194061, 194062, 194063, 194064,
194065, 194066, 194067, 194068, 194069, 194070, 194071, 194072, 194073, 194074, 194075, 194076, 194077, 194078, 194079,
194080, 194081, 194084, 194119, 208115, 208116, 208117, 208118, 208119, 208120, 208121, 208122, 208123, 208124, 208125,
208126, 208127, 208128, 208129, 208130, 208131, 208132, 208133, 208134, 208135, 208136, 208137, 208138, 208139, 208140,
208141, 208142, 208143, 208144, 208145, 208146, 208147, 208148, 208149, 208150, 208151, 208153, 208154, 208155, 208156,
208157, 208158, 208159, 208160, 208161, 208162, 208163, 208164, 208165, 208166, 208167, 208168,  208169, 208170, 208171,
208172, 208173, 208174, 208175, 208176, 208177, 208178, 208179, 208180, 208181, 208183);

the result was : no entry for this request. (So noboday can take the halloween candy quest :( )
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