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V10 even V9 Raid broken need help please


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it is me again and i am very sorry.......
but i have to say that every ........ raid is broken
there are no scripts or for example to4w i enter the raid and fall......
or dragonsoul or or or.....
it was broken eben in v9.
you can do something with gm command......that means .die or .damage xxx or .respawn etc......
and yes sometimes is have to be a gm means .gm on ........
i asked a few weeks ago if it is only my fault or it is a broken repack?
i waited for v10 and now i do have all the same problems......
for me the repack is unplayable....
i can summon bots i can du dongeons i can do quests but i can't raid......
i now ask again do i do something wrong or is every raid broken even in release v10?
i am a newbe and i do not know thinks like database etc. i do download what you give me......
but your database i can download is from

12-13-2017 #1
ExO is offline
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[Download Included] - MMAPS, MAPS, VMAPS, DBC

Credits to Eyerobot for the idea.

One official thread containing links to MMAPS, VMAPS, MAPS & DBC since it's being asked quite a few times.

Unhidden Content:
https://mega.nz/#!iBlBjLRI!leE9B8GNlaon6tAKCYAW87Gp8yEXrOSu9Zzjxfa 9R5s

Unhidden Content:

maybe this is the problem?
sorry again i am a f.... nooob but i want to raid with bots and i want to do raids solo but i can't because no scripts or whatever
i hope you can help me i am very sad i love this game so much but withour raiding it is boring and broken for me
thank you for reading all of this and i hope you can help or teach me
thanks again for your greate work
once again sorry for my bad english but it is not my mother toungh and i am very lazy to learn more than i must


@vu159, thanks for your input -
I will check out what you said although both should be playable.

Dragonsoul first 5 bosses are pretty decent without issues

But I will check it out and get back to you.

Please send a full list of the raids that you refer to :)


From what I concluded:

- Dragonsoul works pretty good. It needs some small touch-ups after 5 bosses. (The part with Ultraxion needs a little), and then Deathwing itself. Rest seems to work pretty smooth.

- Firelands needs more work. Especially Lord Rhyolith which is unplable/gamebreaking atm.

- Throne of the Four Winds entrance needs a fix with the fall-down.

- BoT needs more work.

- Blackwing Descent a few touches.

Rest seems fine though. I think it's not too bad. (correct me if I am wrong) but please be constructive and SPECIFIC - what is not working etc :)
If you guys give us a detailed report list we'll most likely have it fixed within the next version