Northrend? Probably other areas as well.
Enemies don't attack me unless i go very near them, even if they are the same level as me (yellow). But they behave as if they are very low level enemies (only attack when i get too close).
Thought I was going crazy. Seemed like the aggro distance was too close, wasn't sure if it was supposed to be like that though.
Thanks for the response.Thanks [MENTION=24118]Tasoulios[/MENTION] for the great reports! Will have a look.
We had some pretty big rewrites so couple of things may seem behind while it's not![]()
Thanks for the response.
I think i tested v10 enough myself, i returned to 9.1 because of many quest regressions that i found in my short play-through (that work on 9.1 but not on 10) and some other issues that have been mentioned. I'll wait for 10.1 to test again.
Thanks for the response.
I think i tested v10 enough myself, i returned to 9.1 because of many quest regressions that i found in my short play-through (that work on 9.1 but not on 10) and some other issues that have been mentioned. I'll wait for 10.1 to test again.
Not having much luck with the sql 9.1 to 10 ExO. The overall server size increased slightly, but found no differences in world other than the GM command macro's I created for my GM kinda messed up on me. They all got hosed. lolAnd why is there an admin GM 7 account again on a fresh install? I had to delete it from 9.1. GM 7 messes up things such as it removes assigned titles when you try to use them? [example - Elder Methusalem] When you try to use Elder, "or any other GM command given title" as a GM 7 it goes "poof" instantly. So not sure what GM 7 would even be needed for, if at all in-game? :X But this is with fresh install, as 9.1 I deleted the GM 7 account for my personal comfort. But there is much I do not know? lol
Other than that all seems ok, but it did not overwrite the world files like the previous [VIP_8.0_HOTFIX_WORLD.sql] you made awhile back. So I honestly dunno if it worked right, or not? Thanks for the hard work either way.
Will provide you guys with a new update hotifixing some issues soon![]()
Thanks bud,Awesome. Thank you as always. All of you really do awesome work.![]()
There was also that works in 9.1 but not in 10Unfortunate but fair enough! Stay tuned, and I'll have a look through all of them.
Can you give examples of more quests that worked on 9.1 but not v10?
Besides from!
Ok I see -! as well.
Will have a look.
There was also that works in 9.1 but not in 10
Found the reason. If you're curious as to why, it was a db issue. Something fucked up in between v91 & v10 so I made a fix to show all rows that exists on db v91 but not v10 and executed them
I'd actually like to know how you fixed This just in: Fire Still Hot! Quest, as there are a few similar bugs that most likely have the same issue and I'd like to learn how to fix them
Many of them will be fixed in the hotfix I will provide in a couple of days because there was a mistake that deleted a lot of condition queries by accident from v9.1 to v.10.
But the fix was simply a row in the conditions table
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry`, `SourceId`, `ElseGroup`, `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionTarget`, `ConditionValue1`, `ConditionValue2`, `ConditionValue3`, `NegativeCondition`, `ErrorType`, `ErrorTextId`, `ScriptName`, `Comment`) VALUES (13, 3, 55037, 0, 0, 31, 0, 3, 29692, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL);
So the issue was wrong spell targeting that needed to get targeted on the bunny npc.
Thanks bud,
But about the Flight path, it's blizzlike and was implemented in 4.0.3 and recently fixed.
So, i assume this fixes many quest regressions from 9.1 across the whole game? Because one can only report the quest he personally did, meaning most quests won't be noticed, especially the ones already completed. I don't have the time or will to restart and do all the same quests, i can only test new ones, although i do have a backup at level 75 in Northrend so i can at least re-test some quests in Grizzly Hills and Zul Drak that i did before.Tested after the fix I made, and works on v.10 nowwill provide it soon
So, i assume this fixes many quest regressions from 9.1 across the whole game? Because one can only report the quest he personally did, meaning most quests won't be noticed, especially the ones already completed. I don't have the time or will to restart and do all the same quests, i can only test new ones, although i do have a backup at level 75 in Northrend so i can at least re-test some quests in Grizzly Hills and Zul Drak that i did before.