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v10(1) Rest Mode in various Forsaken locales not giving ZZZ

Varal Al'Kadash

Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Location: Ruins of Lordaeron/Horde
Character: Blood Elf Mage/Horde
Issue: Areas in Ruins of Lordaeron where character is not in ZZZ (rested) mode: Off of the elevators near Terenas's tomb, the courtyard but not the arched entryway to and from the courtyard, and area upto to the portal to Silvermoon. All areas should be in ZZZ mode.

Location: Forsaken Rear Guard/Silverpine Forest/Horde
Character: Blood Elf Mage/Horde
Issue: The inn does not give zzz to characters.

Location: The Sepulcher/Silverpine Forest/Horde
Character: Blood Elf Mage/Horde
Issue: Issue: The inn does not give zzz to characters.