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Urgent Server Crash Bug


Trial Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Low Level BGs, Horde Or Alliance, Any Race
  • [Name, Type] Levels 1-85 (ONLY)
  • [Problem Description] when inviting bots and queueing a BG at levels 1-85 the bots are eligble for high level battlegrounds no longer accessible in their level range (due to the fact they were downleveled from 90 upon inviting them) this causes the "join battle" button to not work for you or the party.. as a result because nobody enters the BG on either side.. the server identifies that nobody took the queue and attempts to create more "Your level" amount of bots to go into the BG instead.. but due to the fact that a level "60" (example) cannot enter the high level BGs.. it cuases EVERY bot on the server to turn into level 60 to try and enter the BG which fails.. and sends them to zone "quel'thalas" and then crashes the server within 1-2 minutes
  • [How it should work] Once you invite a bot that was previously "level 90" (Example) and now it's at your level (60 example) the bot invited should NO LONGER be eligble to have the High level BGs as a possible queue option,


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There is a lot of crashing, and the release version prevents us from checking for errors and reporting