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Unable to name new characters certain names??


Veteran Member
My wife is wanting to name a pandaren monk "Jackiechan" but its not letting her, saying the name is unavailable??

I've checked both the auth and worldserver configs, ran a search in the auth characters and world databases for any instance of "Jackiechan" (under a prohibited name or something?) and it turns up nothing. Is there somewhere that I can check this? In the past on other private servers (tauri, stormforge and the like) this hasn't been an issue. I havent went and made a character, and no bots are named that, so im at a total loss here. The only thing I know to do is manually rename her character "Jackiechan" in the game as a gm with a command or in the DB, but i guess my question is - WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS? Why cant this name just be allowed?

It's very vexing to say the least.