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Veteran Member
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any chance for repair ulduar? (v6)
mobs on start area is unkilable,
harpunes on Razorscale boss not work. (work only in gm mode)
XT-002 Deconstructor heart is untargetable
teleport not work
in room behind Assembly of Iron missing quests
kologarn miss i see only left arm.
doors to thorim not work, not work lever for open portikulis
mimiron not work
door to The Descent into Madness forever locked
Yogg-Saron not available, sara not work, missing spawn
and more.....

realy in ulduar work corectly maybe 3 bosses. other is buged.
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Gold Supporter
Epic Member
As for bug reports you should report in an actual format let me provide you with one


What Should Happen:

Describe The Bug In Detail:


Spell/Item/NPC: Garrosh Hellscream

What Should Happen: HE should do a whirlwind and deal additional damage to the raid members

Describe The Bug In Detail: Whirlwind does not activate therefor eliminates the Damage dealt to the raid member


Veteran Member
Verified Member
98% this raid not work or buged. realy you need list all buged creatures ,objects, spells? Maybe is more easy write here what is not buged


Verified Member
Hello! I've just tested Ulduar and ICC today and I will try to help in claryfing what the op reported. First, the Steelforged Defender NPC ( 33572 ) doesn't die whenever its' health drops below 0 so they keep chasing you forever. As for the dragon boss, Razorscale, the harpoons ( gobject 194541 ) they can't be used by normal players, only by players with the GM tag on. Then, moving on to XT-002 Deconstructor, whenever his heart appears, it can't be targeted and attacked ( 33329 ) and can only be destroyed through the .die command. After defeating the Siege of Ulduar and trying to move on with the raid, the teleporter doesn't work at all ( gobject 194569 ). As far as ICC is concerned, Gunship Battle isn't spawned, and Deathbringer Saurfang ( 37813 ) event can't be started and I couldn't continue with the instance, because High Overlord Saurfang wouldn't give me an option to start the event.
Anyways, thanks for this great repack and I hope you can keep up the good work !


Thanks for reporting.
Thanks for clarifying the bugs, Stroiass!
The first issue where the npc didn't die has been fixed.
Rest will be checked now.


Veteran Member
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Stroiass :lol this treat is about ulduar. so for icc go create other topic..

ulduar10man test 6.0 vip version
charr retri paladin.

i take time and here is list of bugs 10man test
tower of flames id194371,storms id194377, life id194375, frost id194370, in iron concourse is undestructable with salvaged demolisher id33109,with spell ram id62308, with salvaged siege machine id33060 work only spell steam rush id62346 but spell have only 2k siege dmg. with this spell i demolish tower all day.
i test destroy tower of flames but object up tower mimiron's storm generator 194664 not deactivate. after i deactivate with gm power object mimiron's targeting crystal not deactivate.
other towers have same problem

obj stormbeacon pillars id194506 work good
npc steelforged defender id28581 is unkillable
obj ulduar teleporter id194569 not work
obj lighting door id194905 not work after boss progres start gob 55841 55848 55849 55850 55851 55852
obj lighting door id194905 behind gate after boss (leviathan) destroy gate not work (not spawned)

npc's ironwork's cannon's id33264 on towers not atack me.

boss flame leviathan killable. after i kill him i obtain achivements shutouts 10man and shutouts 25 man. other achivements not obtainable..

boss razorscale id33186 spawn 2x one is active one is inactive..
again i obtain booth achivements. 10 and 25
obj ulduar broken harpoon id194565 not work in player mode. work only in gm mode

boss ignis the furnance id33118 is killable, but no achivements

obj XT-002 door id194631 still opened if razorscale and ignis alive
boss xt-002 deconstructor have buged hearth (need kill for hardmode start). npc hearth of deconstruktor id33329 is untargetable
ulduar teleporter id194569 not work

boss the assembly of iron id32857 is killable. i obtain only i chose you stormcaler achivement 10m and 25m
npc's and quests in archivum room miss. obj archivum console id194555 empty,not work

boss kologarn missing i see only right arm

boss auriaya id33515 is killable but no achivement

boss freya id32906 is killable and again without achivements

boss hodir is killable. without loot and achivements. npcs near boss not frozen. boss is passive

boss thorim id32865 is normal unkilable. miss here npc near thorim and obj lever id194264 for open portkulis not work
2x obj runed stone door id194557 and id194558 in coridor to thorim not work open
if i attack npc's in The clash of thunder room obj lighting field id194559 is not activate (lighting wall)

npc clockwork mechanics id34184 in corridors of engeneers is untargetable,unkilable
in tram missing obj console but tram work
boss mimiron id33350 is buged boss progress not work(boss need script)

boss Algalon the Observer 32871 not work correct miss here planet object and npc brann bronzebeard (brann have in ulduar many id's i dont know right)in for interact with door and boss. and here is two obj doors id194910 spawned

again obj ancient gates of keepers id194255 to boss vezax not work (locked)
boss General Vezax id33271 is killable

boss Yogg-Saron id33288 is unavailable
npc sara id33134 is no scripted. miss here boses on pidestals. miss here many npcs.

so no one boss give other achivements only basic and give both 10 and 25 man achiv in tested 10man instance.no one boss have correct script(see i write here only killable or buged ) and miss here many npc's and objects,spells
thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english.

same bugs on version 6.1
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Veteran Member
Verified Member
someone tell me what is fixed? because today i test this reported problems and nothing work correct on version 8.0 and 8.1 only one repaired npc steelforget defender is now killable
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