any chance for repair ulduar? (v6)
mobs on start area is unkilable,
harpunes on Razorscale boss not work. (work only in gm mode)
XT-002 Deconstructor heart is untargetable
teleport not work
in room behind Assembly of Iron missing quests
kologarn miss i see only left arm.
doors to thorim not work, not work lever for open portikulis
mimiron not work
door to The Descent into Madness forever locked
Yogg-Saron not available, sara not work, missing spawn
and more.....
realy in ulduar work corectly maybe 3 bosses. other is buged.
any chance for repair ulduar? (v6)
mobs on start area is unkilable,
harpunes on Razorscale boss not work. (work only in gm mode)
XT-002 Deconstructor heart is untargetable
teleport not work
in room behind Assembly of Iron missing quests
kologarn miss i see only left arm.
doors to thorim not work, not work lever for open portikulis
mimiron not work
door to The Descent into Madness forever locked
Yogg-Saron not available, sara not work, missing spawn
and more.....
realy in ulduar work corectly maybe 3 bosses. other is buged.
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