Uber-WoW Is a dedicated newly launched server that will serve as a 3.3.5a. We offer 4x on XP, gold loot, item loot, and professions for a quick and helpful level up to 80! We also provide free weapon herilooms at each of the starting locations and a FREE set of gear for PvP and PvE at level 80! Our staff has spent time fixing miscellaneous bugs, and are always available to help! We are currently wanting more players to come test the server and give us your opinions! We hope you have a awesome time playing on our server!
How to connect- Please visit the account creation page at; https://uber-wow.ddns.net
Don't have the WotLK Client? Download it here!:https://mega.nz/#!s01wyLoJ!45DsSjK2t-f_Cy0fZI4hTAW_72utkUQOKWuiI87Szt4
Set realmlist to uber-wow.ddns.net
Thank you for joining us at Uber-WoW! We hope you have a fun experience! Feel free to make a ticket in-game or leave a reply if you have trouble connecting!
How to connect- Please visit the account creation page at; https://uber-wow.ddns.net
Don't have the WotLK Client? Download it here!:https://mega.nz/#!s01wyLoJ!45DsSjK2t-f_Cy0fZI4hTAW_72utkUQOKWuiI87Szt4
Set realmlist to uber-wow.ddns.net
Thank you for joining us at Uber-WoW! We hope you have a fun experience! Feel free to make a ticket in-game or leave a reply if you have trouble connecting!