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[Tutorial] How to make Deadmines a 10 man raid(or any other instance) - Raid-Instance


Verified Member
Hello chaps!! This guide is gonna be quick and to the point, today we are gonna learn how to make deadmines(heroic mode) on TC2 3.3.5a a 10man raid
The Database Edits
So to start we need to add a heroic mode to the deadmines map(map 36, this can be found in your maps.dbc reference to that file for map ids)
So just like in the picture above find your dungeon map id, in our case the id for deadmines is 36, and duplicate that row.
Now somewhere in your db you should have a replica row of that deadmines entry(most likely at the bottom) now all we need to do is change the difficulty entry from 0 to 1 to add a heroic mode to deadmines: diffculities go such as this (DUNGEONS: 0 = 5 man, 1 = 5 man heroic RAIDS: 0 = 10 man, 1 = 25 man, 2 = 10 man heroic, 3 = 25 man heroic) refer to the picture below if you are having trouble.

and thats all for the database edits! That wasnt so hard was it?

The DBC Edits
Ok time to edit the local files so that the game recognizes deadmines now has a heroic mode. So using any dbc editor you can find such as DBC Editor or taliis open up your MapDifficulty.dbc, now we could duplicate an entry but thats no fun so lets make a new one, using whichever program you got to open the dbc use it to add an entry.

Now of course the first field is the ID you need to make it some id AFTER all the others, for example my last id is 753 so im going to use 800 to be safe.
The next field is the map id in our case we are using 36 for deadmines so go ahead and put in a 36 kiddies.

The 3rd field is the difficulty(IMPORTANT: THIS MUST BE THE SAME AS THE DIFFICULTY YOU PUT IN THE DATABASE!!!) Field 4 is a message you will get if you do not meet the requirements to enter the dungeon this can be blank for now you can experiment with that later, now we can skip to the second to last entry and that is the max number of players that can enter the instance, i put 10 just because i want deadmines heroic mode to now be a 10 man raid, the last entry is the difficulty, you are going to probably have to lookup what these are or copy the difficulty from another entry and paste it into your entry.

Making your MPQ patch
Ladik's MPQ Editor Free Download please for god sakes use this mpq editor =)

Ok so open up your mpq editor and do new mpq, give it whatever name something like patch-4.mpq and then set the compatibility to WOTLK
Ok now that you have your mpq simply right click it an select new folder and name it EXACTLY THIS "DBFilesClient" without the quotes of course and then you just need to click the giant green + add files button and add your edited MapDifficulty.dbc and your done!

Now just add your patch into your client/data folder and make sure your modded dbc file is in your servers dbc folder and you should be good to go =)


Verified Member
Sounds fun, one question though do the mob auto scale for a 10 man raid, or is there something else you need to do for that?