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Truice - Question about Referenc Loot


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I am trying to learn a bit more about how everything works and comes together as a whole with Servers.
Started playing around with Truice quite some time ago, but there are still some stuff that I dont fully understand.

The main thing on my mind right now is "reference_loot_table" and how it works.
I do understand the concept of it I think, It enabled any enemy to drop level appropriate Green+Blue+Purple's~ (Right?)

I was out and about doing my own thing and happened to kill a Goretusk [157] and it dropped a Stonemason Cloak [1930], That felt very odd since I thought only Defias Miners can drop that inside DM.
Went and checked the Goretusk's loot table and there is no entry for the Stonemason Cloak 'Huh thats odd, it just dropped of this Goretusk.
Ok, well lets check the 'Looted From' table then under items. Yeah, There it is listed under Defias Miner, but there is also a 0 chance 'reference_loot_table' entry.

Now this cant be a 0% chance loot since I just got one (Non GM account also if that is of any matter)

I then went and spawned like 200 Goretusk mobs and killed them, I ended up looting a Defias Mage Staff and Woodworking Gloves (That for the record does not even drop in 4.x anymore)

So how does this table work, where can I check it? There is a "Reference Loot" under the Item tab, but that made me a bit more confused. The Stonemason Cloak is listed there under entry 24078 with a name of "Heavy Adamantite Ring"

Any helpful insight in this would be very much appreciated! :)