- 79
- 2015
- 2
GM Spells
kill yourself 7 (not actual name but thats what it does
Area-Death - 265
GM Frost Nova - 39258
Banish - 35182
Death Touch - 5
FrostBolt of Ages - 11
Internal Knowledge - 36356
Master Buff (Physical) - 35874
Master Buff (Magical) - 35912
Master Buff (Ranged) - 38734
GM Shackle - 38505
Instant Heal - 1908
Windfury – 35886
Blessing of Spell Warding - 41451
GM Spell Haste - 40395
DEBUG: Spell Reflection - 2583
Lesser Spell Blasting - 32106 (only works like 1/4 of the time sry)
Perfect Spell Reflection - 33719
Unknown - 22093
Spell Absorbtion - 41034
Spell Blasting - 25906
Spell Bomb - 40303
Spell Focus - 12854
Spell Focus Trigger - 32837
Spell Breaker - 36073
Spell Steal - 30449
Detonate Mana - 27819
Blue Beam - 3180
Clear Nether Beam - 37072
Containment Beam – 36220242434
Cosmetic Purple Beam - 38632
Eye Beam - 26134
Fel Energy Beam - 33535
Green Beam - 35846
Nether Beam - 35869
Purple Beam - 31902
Red Beam - 30944
Sinful Beam - 40827
Sinister Beam - 40859
Star Beam - 30888
Vile Beam - 40860
Vimgol Pentagram Beam - 39921
Wave Beam - 6061
Welding Beam - 35919
Wicked Beam - 40861
Pillar of Fire - 43218
Dropping Heavy Bomb - 33836(NUKEING TIME)
Rock Rumble - 38777
Huge dps no mana attack 26339
Spammable heal 26170
Ground rupture 26139
Alliance reputation 26126
Raises all stats 25947
Full heal 25840
25812 Toxic volley
25805 Soul curruption
25772 Mind domonance
25749 Stinger spray
25462 Enlarge
25425 Shockwave
25322 Sweeping slam
25260 Wings of dispare
25050 Mark of the flame
25033 Lightning cloud
24910 Corruption of the earth
24843 Summon dragon
24312 Level up (Make bigger forever)
22876 Summon void copy
22865 Summon doomguard
7033 Charm
17235 Raise undead scarab
260 Charm
18209 Grow
747 Summon huge ahn’quiraj minion
1302 Immune to damage
8985 Summon fire elemental
17178 + DEF rating
40938 Illdari flames sih damage in a cone
33329 Kills everything around
35354 Kills everything on the map
27604 Goblin gun (High DPS)
26977 Curse of the elements, reduces resistants
26546 Shadow bolt wave
15007 res. sickness
Arcane Blast - 38538
Arcane Bubble - 38538
Arcane Explosion - 29973
Atrophy - 40327
Avatar of Flame - 15636
Blast Nova - 30616
Blinding Passion - 30890
Bone Smelt - 30890
Cave In - 36240
Chains of Ice - 512
Chaos Blast - 37675
Charred Earth - 30129
Corrupted Light - 41965
Corruption of the Earth - 24910
Curse of Flames - 38010
Cyclone - 39594
Dark Barrage - 40585
Dark Decay - 33129
Dark Glare - 41937
Dark Mending - 41938
Dark Shell - 38759
Deaden - 41410
Death & Decay - 31258
Distracting Ash - 30280
Earthquake - 32686 (Dont spam unless you like the ground shaking for along time)
Eternal Affection - 30878
Finger of Death - 31984
Fire Shield - 2602
Flame Buffet - 41596
Flame Burst - 41131
Flame Crash - 40832
Flame Wave - 33804
Flamebreak - 16785
Frost Blast - 29879
Frost Burn - 23189
Geyser - 37427
Geyser2 - 10987
Gift of the Water Spirit - 30874
Gravity Lapse - 35941
Hand of Death - 35354
Hateful Bolt - 30383
Hell Rain - 38917
llidari Flames - 40938
Periodic Knock Away - 21737
Meteor - 41276
Needle Spine - 39835
Nether Burn - 30522
Nether Infusion - 38688
Parachute - 37897
Parasitic Shadowfiend - 41917
Poison Shield - 34355
Prismatic Shield - 38905
Quake - 26093
Rain of Bones - 37098
Rain of Fire - 27212
Rune Shield - 41431
Sacrifice - 30115
Scalding Water - 37284
Shadow Burst - 34436
Shadow Barrier - 17151
Shadow of Death - 40251
Shadow Strike - 40685
Shadows Embrace - 34922
Soul Drain - 41303
Soul Scream - 41545
Spirit Shield - 40322
Mount Spells
Swift Dawnsaber - 23220
Chromatic Mount - 24576
Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor - 8586
Whistle of the Emerald Raptor - 8588
Old Whistle of the Ivory Raptor - 8589
Old Whistle of the Obsidian Raptor - 8590
Whistle of the Turquoise Raptor - 8591
Swift Olive Raptor - 18789
Swift Orange Raptor - 18790
Swift Razzashi Raptor - 19872
Whistle of the Black War Raptor - 29472
Horn of the Brown Wolf - 5668
Horn of the Red Wolf - 12330
Horn of the Arctic Wolf - 12351
Horn of the Black War Wolf - 18245
Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf - 18796
Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf - 18797
Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf - 18798
Horn of the Frostwolf Howler - 19029
Horn of the Black War Wolf - 29469
Purple Skeletal Warhorse - 18791
Red Skeletal Warhorse - 29470
Fiery Warhorse's Reins - 30480
Black Ram - 13328
Frost Ram - 13329
Swift Gray Ram - 18787
Green Kodo - 15292
Teal Kodo - 15293
Black War Kodo - 18247
Great White Kodo - 18793
Great Brown Kodo - 18794
Great Gray Kodo - 18795
Black War Kodo - 29466
Swift Pink Hawkstrider - 28936
Black Hawkstrider - 29221
Blue Hawkstrider - 29220
Purple Hawkstrider - 29222
Swift Green Hawkstrider - 29223
Swift Purple Hawkstrider - 29224
Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber - 13086
Flying Carpet 43343
1..Death Touch 5
2. Death and Decay - 43265
3. Finger of Death - 31984
4. Grasp of Death - 32889
5. Divine Shield - 40733
6. Greater Power Word:Shield - 33147
7. Greater shielding - 29701
8. Mana Shield - 29880
9. Mordresh,s Shield - 12843
10. Persistent Shield - 26470
11. Divine Protection - 27779
12. Protection of Elune - 38528
13. Summon Frayer Protector - 34557
14. Absorb Life - 34036
15. Defender of the Timbermaw - 26066
16. Destroy Spear - 16557
17. Launch - 16716
18. Debuff Uber Heal over time - 30839
19. spite - 41377
20. Venom Spit - 43579
30 master buff magic - 35912
31 Master buff magic - 36001
32. Master Ranged buff - 38734
33. Master Buff Melee - 35874
34. Test Buff 32025
35. Wing Buffet - 38110
36. Damage Taken Reduced 100% - 37075
37. Permanent Area Damage 50k - 30879
38. Take Immune Periodic Damage - 7377
39. Massive Eruption - 20483
40 Massive Tremor - 19129
41 Major Health - 19990
42. Aura of Commands - 25516
43 Aura of Rot - 25818
44 Aura of Suffering - 41292
45 Clear Target Auras - 37718
46 Frost Aura - 28531
47 Healing Aura - 5016 or 5607
48 Aura of desire - 41352
49 Aura of Fear - 25820
50 Sunseeker Aura - 34635
51 Vampiric Aura - 38061
52. Flying Machine 44153
53 Flying Broom 42667
54 Turbo charged flying machine 44151
55 Haste 43242
56 owl form 8153
57 Acidic Wound - 40481
58 Bloodboil 42005
59 Brood power 39034
60 Conflagration 16805
61 Dark Barrage 40585
62 Dark Decay 33129
63 Fire Wall 43114
64 Barkskin 20655
66 Mending 2147
67 Mending 36968
68 Renew 41456
69 Stoneskin(heal) 28995
70 Lifebloom 43421
71 Mass Healing 25839
72 Crippling clip 23279
73 Freeze 40875
74 Posses 33401
75 Jump a tron(fall safely) 33382
76 Parachute 37897
77 Greater Invisibility 16380
78 Phase shift 8611
79 Fly 34873
80 Floating spirits 42072
81 Rune Shield 41431
82 THrow paper airplane to friendly 45133
83 Charm 35120
84 Posses 32830
85 True Fulfillment 785
86 Lees test mind vision 35339
1. .learn 24576 - teaches you Chromatic Mount
2. .castall 2010 - mass ressurrect.
3. .learn 43343 - teaches you a Flying Carpet
4. .learn 1908 - Uber Heal Over time
5. .learn 30971 - Uber Fireball
22779 Holiday ROBOT! - very nice for malls
21630 Eagle god
21631 bear god
21632 fox god
21633 Dragon god
21899 Zul'jin
22388 baby croco - this is such cutnes
22464 Zul'Aman bear mount
22473 black Hippogryph - essential for WarpNPC
22719 Gyrocopter - i use it for mount vendors/trainers
Death Touch: .learn 5
Sonic Boom: .learn 36841
Virulent Poison: .learn 39029
Arcane Flurry: .learn 34821
Rain Of Chaos: .learn 40946
Arugal's Curse: .learn 7621
Dragon mount: .learn 24576
Cronic Mutation: .learn 23174
Soul Scream: .learn 41545
Spire: .learn 41377
Fel-Acid Breath: .learn 40508
Rune Shield: .learn 41431
Healm Funnel: .learn 40884
Impale: .learn 26025
Knockback: .learn 26027
Dark Glare: .learn 26029
Celebreate Good Times: .learn 26035
Shadow Hand: .learn 40251
Area-Death: .learn 265
GM Frost Nova .learn 39258
Banish: .learn 35182
Death Touch: .learn 5
FrostBolt of Ages: .learn 11
Internal Knowledge: .learn 36356
Master Buff (Physical): .learn 35874
Master Buff (Magical): .learn 35912
Master Buff (Ranged): .learn 38734
GM Shackle: .learn 38505
Instant Heal: .learn 1908
Windfury: .learn 35886
Blessing of Spell Warding: .learn 41451
GM Spell Haste: .learn 40395
DEBUG: Spell Reflection: .learn 2583
Lesser Spell Blasting: .learn 32106
Perfect Spell Reflection: .learn 33719
Unknown: .learn 22093
Spell Absorbtion: .learn 41034
Spell Blasting: .learn 25906
Spell Bomb: .learn 40303
Spell Focus: .learn 12854
Spell Focus Trigger: .learn 32837
Spell Breaker: .learn 36073
Spell Steal: .learn 30449
Detonate Mana: .learn 27819
Blue Beam: .learn 3180
Clear Nether Beam: .learn 37072
Containment Beam: .learn 36220
Cosmetic Purple Beam: .learn 38632
Eye Beam: .learn 26134
Fel Energy Beam: .learn 33535
Green Beam: .learn 35846
Nether Beam: .learn 35869
Purple Beam: .learn 31902
Red Beam: .learn 30944
Sinful Beam: .learn 40827
Sinister Beam: .learn 40859
Star Beam: .learn 30888
Vile Beam: .learn 40860
Vimgol Pentagram Beam: .learn 39921
Wave Beam: .learn 6061
Welding Beam: .learn 35919
Wicked Beam: .learn 40861
Pillar of Fire: .learn 43218
Dropping Heavy Bomb: .learn 33836
Rock Rumble: .learn 38777
Arcane Blast: .learn 38538
Arcane Bubble: .learn 38538
Arcane Explosion: .learn 29973
Atrophy: .learn 40327
Avatar of Flame: .learn 15636
Blast Nova: .learn 30616
Blinding Passion: .learn 30890
Bone Smelt: .learn 30890
Cave In: .learn 36240
Chains of Ice: .learn 512
Chaos Blast: .learn 37675
Charred Earth: .learn 30129
Corrupted Light: .learn 41965
Corruption of the Earth: .learn 24910
Curse of Flames: .learn 38010
Cyclone: .learn 39594
Dark Barrage: .learn 40585
Dark Decay: .learn 33129
Dark Glare: .learn 41937
Dark Mending: .learn 41938
Dark Shell: .learn 38759
Deaden: .learn 41410
Death & Decay: .learn 31258
Distracting Ash: .learn 30280
Earthquake: .learn 32686
Eternal Affection: .learn 30878
Finger of Death: .learn 31984
Fire Shield: .learn 2602
Flame Buffet: .learn 41596
Flame Burst: .learn 41131
Flame Crash: .learn 40832
Flame Wave: .learn 33804
Flamebreak: .learn 16785
Frost Blast: .learn 29879
Frost Burn: .learn 23189
Geyser: .learn 37427
Geyser2: .learn 10987
Gift of the Water Spirit: .learn 30874
Gravity Lapse: .learn 35941
Hand of Death: .learn 35354
Hateful Bolt: .learn 30383
Hell Rain: .learn 38917
llidari Flames: .learn 40938
Periodic Knock Away: .learn 21737
Meteor: .learn 41276
Needle Spine: .learn 39835
Nether Burn: .learn 30522
Nether Infusion: .learn 38688
Parachute: .learn 37897
Parasitic Shadowfiend: .learn 41917
Poison Shield: .learn 34355
Prismatic Shield: .learn 38905
Quake: .learn 26093
Rain of Bones: .learn 37098
Rain of Fire: .learn 27212
Rune Shield: .learn 41431
Sacrifice : .learn 30115
Scalding Water: .learn 37284
Shadow Burst: .learn 34436
Shadow Barrier: .learn 17151
Shadow of Death: .learn 40251
Shadow Strike: .learn 40685
Shadows Embrace: .learn 34922
Soul Drain: .learn 41303
Soul Scream: .learn 41545
Spirit Shield: .learn 40322
Hand of Death: .learn 35354
Finger of Death: .learn 32111
Death Coil: .learn 39661
Death & Decay: .learn 39658
Presence of Death: .learn 3109
Dark Barrage: .learn 40585
Dark Glare: .learn 26029
Dark Mending: .learn 19775
Dark Shell: .learn 38759
Touch of Darkness: .learn 37727
Corrupted Light: .learn 41965
Corruption of the Earth: .learn 24910
Parasitic Shadowfiend: .learn 41917
Shadow Bolt: .learn 29487
Shadow Burst: .learn 34436
Shadow Cage: .learn 30168
Shadow Strike: .learn 40685
Shadow Storm: .learn 26555
Shadow of Death: .learn 40251
Shadow Embrace: .learn 34922
Summon Void Zone: .learn 30533
Void Drain: .learn 33916
Void Bolt: .learn 39329
Nether Infusion: .learn 38688
Fire Shield: .learn 38933
Rain of Fire: .learn 42023
Avatar of Flames: .learn 15636
Curse of Flames: .learn 38010
Flame Buffet: .learn 41596
Flame Burst: .learn 41131
Flame Crash: .learn 40832
Flame Wave: .learn 38611
Flame Break: .learn 16785
Illidari Flames: .learn 40938
Chains of Ice: .learn 113
Ice Blast: .learn 11264
Icebolt: .learn 33463
Frost Aura: .learn 28531
Frost Blast: .learn 27808
Frost Burn: .learn 23187
Gift of the Water Spirit: .learn 30874
Scalding Water: .learn 37284
Water Bubble: .learn 7383
Water Tomb: .learn 38235
Watery Grave: .learn 38025
Arcane Blast: .learn 38538
Arcane Bubble: .learn 9438
Arcane Discharge: .learn 38539
Arcane Explosion: .learn 29973
Anti-Magic Shield: .learn 37538
Mana Shield: .learn 29880
Poison Shield: .learn 39027
Prismatic Shield: .learn 38905
Rune Shield: .learn 41431
Spirit Shield: .learn 40322
Sun Shield: .learn 32932
Throw Shield: .learn 41213
Dematerialize Armor: .learn 40935
Unholy Armor: .learn 37729
Eye Beam: .learn 32950
Charred Earth: .learn 30129
Earthquake: .learn 32686
Hell rain: .learn 38917
Rain of Bones: .learn 37098
Bone Burst: .learn 37991
Bone Smelt: .learn 17445
Damage Immunity: Frost: .learn 34306
Damage Immunity: Holy: .learn 34307
Damage Immunity: Magic: .learn 39804
Damage Immunity: Nature: .learn 34308
Damage Immunity: Physical: .learn 34311
Damage Immunity: Shadow: .learn 34309
Damage Immunity: Arcane: .learn 34184
Check out what i've released other than this!