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TrinityCore Client [3.3.5/4.3.4] - Unique - Cata / Wotlk


Veteran Member
Disclaimer: This tool has nothing to do with the game World of Warcraft, so you won't be able to play with it on retail servers. It is compatible only with MaNGOS/TC based servers.

- v0.1: http://www.2shared.com/file/yLLgUIiR/TrinityCore_Client_335_12340_v.html
- v0.2: http://www.2shared.com/file/KDdphxAX/TrinityCore_Client_335_12340_v.html

If doesn't start, download http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679

How to start:
1) Create a shortcut to the .exe file you've just downloaded. Right click the shortcut and click Properties. In the Target box you have to add some additional parameters in order to use the program. Argument order is the following: Realmlist Address, Realm Name, Account Name, Account Password, Character Name, Secure String.
Example: "C:/client.exe" "hu.logon.tauri.hu" "[HU] Tauri WoW Server" "your_account" "your_password" "your_character" "your_secure_string"

2) Start the program with the new shortcut.
3) If you did everything correctly, you will see your server's message of the day and chat messages. If you mispelled something, you will be asked to select the correct one from the realmlist / characterlist.
4) In this version, you can't interact with the console, so you will use it only for watching the chat and debug messages.
5) Start your original World of Warcraft, and login with another account. You can control the bot character by whisper and channel messages.

Authentication with the bot character:
Whisp "!auth your_secure_string" to the character, and from then they'll accept the commands via whisper too, and features will be available to your character.

View attachment 109 -> LK -> Available in 3.3.5 client.
View attachment 110 -> CATA -> Available in 4.3.4 client.

!quit - Disconnect from the server. [LK] [CATA]
!auth secure_string [LK] [CATA]

!say message [LK] [CATA]
!yell message [LK] [CATA]
!emote message [LK] [CATA]
!party message [LK]
!raid message [LK]
!guild message [LK]
!whisp target_name message - Whisp 'message' to 'target_name'. [LK] [CATA]
!channel channel_name message - Send 'message' to channel with name 'channel_name'. [LK] [CATA]
!afk message - <AFK> [LK] [CATA]
!dnd message - <DND> [LK] [CATA]
!ignore guid - Sends 'You are ignored.' text to player with guid 'guid'. [LK]
!join channel_name - Join to channel 'channel_name' [LK] [CATA]
!leave channel_name - Leave channel 'channel_name' [LK] [CATA]

!invite character_name - Invite 'character_name' to your group. [LK]
!leave - Leave the current group. [LK]

!createguild guild_name - Create a guild with name 'guild_name' instantly and free. [LK]
!respawn - Releases your corpse to the nearest graveyard. [LK]

!joinbg ab/av/wsg/eos/sota/ioc/rbg asGroup- Joins to the battleground queue, if you set asGroup the whole group will be queued. You may only join to one battleground queue. Example: !joinbg wsg | !joinbg av true [LK]
!leavebg - Leaves the current battleground. [LK]

!send opcode count - Sends the binary data from the file named %program_root%/opcodes/'opcode'.dat, 'count' times to the server. [LK]

[Features with authed characters]
- Accept party invites. [LK]
- Accept guild invites. [LK]
- Accept duel requests. [LK]
- Sign petitions. [LK]
- Accept trades. [LK]

[Sending packets] (Implemented in 3.3.5 v0.3+ and 4.3.4)
- Supported Data Types:
int8 / char / byte
uint8 / uchar / ubyte
int16 / short
uint16 / ushort
int32 / int
uint32 / uint
int64 / long
uint64 / ulong / guid / objectguid
float / single

- How to use?
1) Create a text file in the %program_root%/opcodes/ directory.
2) Make the structure, and put the data into it.
3) Use the '!sendpacket your_file.txt 1' command.

- Examples:
Send CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE: http://pastebin.com/rwwavjTu
Send CMSG_NAME_QUERY: http://pastebin.com/n6JAksC5
Send CMSG_GUILD_CREATE: http://pastebin.com/Uv0DtctZ
Send CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER (bitstream): http://pastebin.com/yFGta5iX
And so on...

The first line should contain the opcode.
Eg.: 'opcode 123'
After the opcode you'll write the data in this way: '#type #value'
Eg.: 'uint8 250'

Credits for this tutorial/release goes to Dakara, I'm just re-releasing it.