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[Trinity] Recreating the Legend of the Bengal Tiger


Verified Member
So we all know the Legend of the Bengal Tiger Cave in STV. If not, read about it here. Well I've made an SQL script that recreates the myth. I used this video for reference.
This was made for Trinity, it might work with some other emulators, but I wouldn't try it unless you've confirmed it does work for your database first.

Here's what this SQL does:
Remove "Tiger Riding" skill requirement from 3 of the 4 mounts, changing it to current Riding skill.
Make the mounts Bind on Pickup (they are currently Bind on Use, not good unless you want AH flooded with them).
Make the World Mount Vendor NPC an actual vendor.
Add all 4 mounts to World Mount Vendor's vendor list.
Spawn the vendor.
Create a .tele command to the Bengal Tiger Cave.

Just execute the SQL on your world DB, then .tele BengalTigerCave to check it out.
The generic teleport is .go xyz -12836.4 -1379.02 112.721 if anyone is wondering.
SQL Query Link: