Senior User
- 344
- 2014
- 13
Hiya guys, I'm going to tell you guys how to easily make your own shirts with visual effects in 3 steps!
Step one: Go find a spell you want to use for it ( cool visual, something sexy )
- You can do this by looking up a spell in-game or on wowhead. [ GET THE ID ]
- In this case i'm going to look a spell up ingame So i found a few spells, I decided to go with Sphere Visual.( 56102 )
- You can do this by looking up a spell in-game or on wowhead. [ GET THE ID ]
- In this case i'm going to look a spell up ingame So i found a few spells, I decided to go with Sphere Visual.( 56102 )
Step Two: Making the shirt.
First thing you want to go do is open up your database, and goin into item_Template.
Find an existing shirt > right click it and duplicate row (Let's make it easy for you and myself ^)
Add an ID (Something high such as 911111 - Then edit the name ( Shirt of the Sexy Ass Sphere ) perhaps?
Change the display id > 47076 looks good as a display id . I'd change the quality to either epic(5) or legendary (6) for it to be more unique and outstanding.
Then what you do is find the column spellid_1 and you enter the spellID ( 56102 in my case ) and set spelltrigger_1 to 1. and spellcooldown to -1
Step Three:
Now go ahead and reload item_template or restart the server for it to be in-game!
Now enjoy looking good