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Tool to create custom items/weapons?


Veteran Member
Is there a way to create your own items and save them to the database for 4.3.4?

Something like WoW item creator or WoW-V.

Mr. Satan

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Is there a way to create your own items and save them to the database for 4.3.4?

Something like WoW item creator or WoW-V.

There is, but it's a little time-consuming without a "creator" program.
Do you have experience with editing the database in a program such as HeidiSQL?

I wont really be able to get in depth about it, as it's been a while since I've done it, but basically, you copy a similar item that you want, such as armor or a weapon, and duplicate the entry in the database. Then modify it as you see fit, within server limitations (e.g., can't set stamina to 9999999999999)
The thing is, you'll have to manually figure out what each value is, which can be done by simply looking at the item in game, see what stat has x number, and compare it to which column that number is it, and you just note it down, which column has which stat.
Like I said, it can be quite time-consuming, especially if you haven't done it manually before.

I had a list of some of them, but it's apparently gone. I checked anywhere it could be and can't find it. Sorry I can't be of too much help there.

Edit: Here's I believe an official list, made for 3.3.5 I think, but it should be close enough to 4.3.4:
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Veteran Member
There is, but it's a little time-consuming without a "creator" program.
Do you have experience with editing the database in a program such as HeidiSQL?

I wont really be able to get in depth about it, as it's been a while since I've done it, but basically, you copy a similar item that you want, such as armor or a weapon, and duplicate the entry in the database. Then modify it as you see fit, within server limitations (e.g., can't set stamina to 9999999999999)
The thing is, you'll have to manually figure out what each value is, which can be done by simply looking at the item in game, see what stat has x number, and compare it to which column that number is it, and you just note it down, which column has which stat.
Like I said, it can be quite time-consuming, especially if you haven't done it manually before.

I had a list of some of them, but it's apparently gone. I checked anywhere it could be and can't find it. Sorry I can't be of too much help there.

Edit: Here's I believe an official list, made for 3.3.5 I think, but it should be close enough to 4.3.4:

Thanks for the reply. I do have a little experience with editing the DB with heidysql. So i'll give it a try.

I assume after duplicating the item i will have to give it a new, unused itemID, correct?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Thanks for the reply. I do have a little experience with editing the DB with heidysql. So i'll give it a try.

I assume after duplicating the item i will have to give it a new, unused itemID, correct?

Yep. Try to make it an ID that you'll remember. I think I typically do 200200, and just count up from there for every new custom item.
Also with Cataclysm, there isn't a specific 'damage' or 'dps' value on the weapon, I think it's based on item level and weapon speed.