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Thorium WoW 3.3.5 Custom 255 server.


Verified Member
United States
We here at Thorium WoW are dedicated toward offering a custom experience for 3.3.5 Wrath lovers. Starting in 2014 as one of the original custom design servers. We offer a wide variety of special service's to make your experience great!​

➭ Professionalism. We have an awesome, supportive staff team;
➭ Social Events. We host daily, in-game event for the community;
➭ Weekly Giveaways on our Discord Server for plenty of in-game rewards and goodies.
➭ We have many fully functional bots to help the community on our discord if you have any issues.
➭ 32,000 Haste Cap so you can easily reach insane speeds on all classes.
➭ Over 14 playable races
➭ All classes work with all races
➭ Level 255 progressive fun realm
➭ Unique & handscripted custom additions, including our Artifact System, Item Upgrader and much more
➭ Several additions from higher expansions; including Cataclysm, Mists of Pandarian, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth and exclusively now Shadowlands content.

Our invite link: https://discord.gg/MPuQtxB
Our website: https://www.thoriumwow.net/
Our Facebook: https://(fb link removed to possible scam)ThoriumWoW.net
Our Connection Guide: https://thoriumwow.net/server-data/?sel=connection-guide

Our Server Trailer:

Showcase of our current custom mounts:

When you join the discord server, contact Karma on the discord members list with a screenshot of this post to get a free "Goody bag" on your first day playing the server. This offer lasts until January 1st, 2020.