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Things changed in this version, but was not broken in previous ones.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
As you know, the Darkmoon Faire is broken, but "you could use .tele - even in GM off to go there". Now you MUST be in GM on, or it kicks you out to your home instantly. (leaving GM on) messes up quest lines, shows phases that should no be seen at that time, and alliances as you know. (faction all act as nuetral while in GM mode. This affects many quest throught cata when on. So no way to see if anything works with (GM off). Most of the carnival vendor quest you could do by accepting them, then do .quest complete ID#. Now you do not even get the option to accept most of the Darkmoon stalls dailies. Much less the book. Plus many of the side quest "non daily" (many skill related", you could do normally. This allowed you to get the achievements, mounts, and pets, etc. This version has made it all far worse. Many NPC's are now missing, plus the sideline quest that were working aren't even showing at all on the NPC's (examples the worgen who gives deep friend frogs, and a fishing quest. The vendors quest, and the spawned quest items in many cases simply are not there in this version). The non carnival ride vendors are either missing, or have zero quest now.Pretty much all the skill related quest aren't there. A LOT of NPC's/quest that were present in previous repack versions, are gone completely. All this was there in previous versions of this repack. So it is much more broken than before. Please, at least put back the previous files in Darkmoon Faire? Love the repack though. :)
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Well, I guess they ran into unfixable problems, And needed new code to make it work. And this caused a lot of things to change. And of course those changes broke a lot of things. But the majority of it seems to be in the database now. And the old data isn't always compatible with the changes. So given a little time it will be as good or better than before, Because now we have code that actually works at the base of it all.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
if darkmoon event not active you are be teleported out if you are normal player. this is bllizzlike... :D


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Ahhh, so new coding there. That explains the change to quest, and NPC's, and true. I suppose that it would kick you out in non-GM on official if event was unspawned. Unfortunately for me though? I do not know how to spawn events. I never did get that to work right for me on any server. lol So I cannot try quest there in player mode. I know GM mode messes up some areas for questing, and makes you see phases not meant to be seen in some areas as well. Not sure if it affects Darkmoon that way, or not. But it is better, if it helps get it to true Blizzlike quality in the end. :cool: Thanks for the reply guys. :)
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
if darkmoon event not active you are be teleported out if you are normal player. this is bllizzlike... :D

You would be right/were right bro. Til I found out this isn't the case this time, but ty.

"buzzer sound" (ERRRT!) "FinaLLY FIGGURED OUT HOW TO SPAWN EVENTS WITHOUT ANYONES HELP" When I ask questions/report something wrong, offer a workaround, or ask a question because I am stuck? I get no replies at all. But I get replies to prove me wrong? I am USUALLY wrong, and it don't matter. I just TRY to help if/when, I think there is some chance I can. [Blizzlike] TO ME? means "everyones input matters" (not just brainiacs?) I am a veteran player/noob learning to run servers.

Well, [UPDATE] (dumb noob is wrong) this is NOT the case this time. Event IS spawned, portal IS spawned, greeter IS spawned. Still, this event instantly kicks everyone not a GM. It is definately more broken. We do not pay for a server with our small donations. Noone owes us nothing. I am not complaining, and not even asking for a fix. But, this time I KNOW I am not wrong. It's broken. Period. Good day everyone.
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Well in that case, Use the bug report guide, And file a proper bug report.
Give as many details about it as you can. How it should work, wowhead, and youtube links ect.
And exactly what it's doing wrong.
Because when a developer looks at the scripting, area triggers ect. It really speeds things up.
Avoid ranting, And keep it professional. I would have answered about starting events, But i've never done it. Probably once I start working on events i'll need to do that, But right now quests and instances have priority.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Well in that case, Use the bug report guide, And file a proper bug report.
Give as many details about it as you can. How it should work, wowhead, and youtube links ect.
And exactly what it's doing wrong.
Because when a developer looks at the scripting, area triggers ect. It really speeds things up.
Avoid ranting, And keep it professional. I would have answered about starting events, But i've never done it. Probably once I start working on events i'll need to do that, But right now quests and instances have priority.

Yah. I know about the bug report area now. Just didn't when I posted all the stuff previously. Noone had told me, til you replied on that post. I have times I simply cannot do this stuff. Too sick. I mess with it as I can. :) Not ranting bro. I just say things strait. Fact was I got no responses to any post about bugs/glitches til this one. Not mad. Just saying the obvious. I am not a timid person. I appreciate the repack, and expect nothing. Just tried to help. And the ADMIN/CEO here did give me a great link about something I was interested in. So overall, people here are pretty friendly. As far as a detailed bug report? It will not allow entry to the event, even when spawned unless in GM mode. I do not know what else to say about that. And you are right. Events are a pain in the asteroids.... lol I only figgured out how to spawn them. Not get every little thing to work. The headless horseman for example? Forget it. I cannot get him to spawn at all. lol You try to help people. I see that, and appreciate that. :) But the fact is most won't bother. That is anywhere, and also why I rarely ask for help. It's the way of the world. This is still the best repoack I have found hands down "any version". I have said it here, and other places, and to friends. Encouraged them to donate "a small reward for the efforts, not enough I know, but still helps", but they won't, and I wont give them a VIP copy. It wouldn't be fair. I gave them version 6. The only one better working is the older Vanilla, TBC, & WOLK repacks. They were scripted better due to age, and less to fix. But even those have their little glitches, and arent useually trinity, or similar, but mangos. The GM commands aren't as complete on mangos servers eother overall, has been my experience. I just got a bit frustrated I got a reply to this unimportant side thing, but the extremely detailed broken Death Knight problem that stops progression dead without GM quest commands got crickets. lol :p Yes I posted it in help area, or something before you told of bug area, but was still highly visible. lol No replies, so did it help, or was it already known? No idea. But it doesn't hurt me. I just created my own way to do the quest, and still feel like I did it in a sense. :) Posted that there as well in detail. On a note? If you are ever dabbling around? It is possible to give other classes certain hunter pets. (obviouslt no specialty pet like spirit beast, or similar uniques "unless you can find a way to enable that on other classes") Not really a powerful damage dealer, and is more for looks, but it does try to help. lol :p You can give it passive buffs that keep it alive though. It is a bit tricky, for instance you need spawn a beast to use, and add it to you with commands while in GM mode. The beast will run to you as a pet, and the real one dies. You need to respawn the beast, then remove it, so the beast doesn't respawn. Also need to learn pet summon & dismiss with commands as well. if it dies? you release it. couldn't get revive to work. When I released it dead? I logged off, and back on and it was still there alive "still a work in progress" lol Is kind of fun for instance running in cat form, with your hunter pet cat beside you. :)
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Well everything is possible, But Hunters have special code thats built into the server, And also their data comes from the game files. So both together determine who can use pets, and certain skills. The only way to really do that would be to rewrite parts of the server, And the game client. And if your going to do all of that, You may as well start writing your own game, And get rich. It's a ton of work. So far as people answering, Some have been sick this past week, Some started new jobs. All that real life stuff getting in their way. The best way to communicate with everyone i guess would be to click the button on top that says upcoming 4.3.4 server, And join the discord channel. The devs there are the same ones that create the repack for emucoach.
Oh and so far as bugs go, I hope your installing the fixes from the fixes folder into your server. It's only a small percentage of the work thats actually getting done. But it does help. And the next repack will include everything were fixing now too. I was going to say more, But i'm so tired I forgot what i was going to say hehe. I worked through the night fixing borean tundra horde side. It's almost finished. But i'm whipped for today. You can pm me if you have questions about how to do anything.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Well everything is possible, But Hunters have special code thats built into the server, And also their data comes from the game files. So both together determine who can use pets, and certain skills. The only way to really do that would be to rewrite parts of the server, And the game client. And if your going to do all of that, You may as well start writing your own game, And get rich. It's a ton of work. So far as people answering, Some have been sick this past week, Some started new jobs. All that real life stuff getting in their way. The best way to communicate with everyone i guess would be to click the button on top that says upcoming 4.3.4 server, And join the discord channel. The devs there are the same ones that create the repack for emucoach.
Oh and so far as bugs go, I hope your installing the fixes from the fixes folder into your server. It's only a small percentage of the work thats actually getting done. But it does help. And the next repack will include everything were fixing now too. I was going to say more, But i'm so tired I forgot what i was going to say hehe. I worked through the night fixing borean tundra horde side. It's almost finished. But i'm whipped for today. You can pm me if you have questions about how to do anything.

Borean Tundra I hear is a handful. The area is pretty much zero complete on most Cata servers in the past I tried. Impressive, and thank you all for the hard work. As far as installing fixes? Something else I never really did learn properly. I messed up my server trying to add files my last try. "luckily, i back it up" lol :X I truly do learn most stuff by doing/breaking/doing/breaking til I get it. "trial & error" Never was taught an ounce of PC anything, and servers? 100% started completely in the dark. Is all learned slowly since I became disabled, and need a way to fill my mind, and time when up, and well enough. lol So I am slow "getting it" on some things, and others at times I simply do not know enough yet to "get it" completely. I need to read up on doing that properly, or better yet? Watch a video as "hands on" works best for me.

As far as hunter pets? I truly wish I did have the know how to write coding. It is frustrating at times, knowing enough to know it is broken, or can be made different, and think up cool ideas, but lack the education to actually change things that much usually. Sometimes though? I'll figgure out a tidbit here, and there. I feels good when that happens. :cool: I tried to learn coding. It overloads my brain. I can only nibble at the tips of it. lol :X I actually added [Broken Tooth] cat "hunter pet" to my night elf druid though. While it is not full power, or full capabilities? I can summon & dismiss it. It does attack if i set it to attack, or assist, but lacks the power of a proper hunter pet. But is better than a mear vanity pet, and good eye candy to. lol :D Won't flood you with dumb questions, as fixing the server is far more important than fixing my mediocre "swiss cheesed brain", and it's server knowledge. hehe :eek: Rest well, and thank you again. Good Night. :)
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