The server crashes with some command (we have not yet discovered what it is) I will leave here all the information we have:
Info of DBErrors.log:
and another similar crash in a short period
as one user told me (I thank him very much for that) it was only that the model of the NPC 190000 that he had given him did not exist, but as that NPC this bug is better to eliminate it until it is solved.

Info of DBErrors.log:
ERROR Creature (GUID: 0 Entry: 42736) has duplicate aura (spell 79651) in `auras` field.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 0 Entry: 42736) has duplicate aura (spell 79656) in `auras` field.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 35905 SourceType 0, Event 1, Link Event 2 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 190000) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5711 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5711 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find TextGroup 1 for Creature(Mysterious Winged Spirit) GuidLow 10066640 Entry 41068. Ignoring.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 178415 Entry: 39637) has duplicate aura (spell 49415) in `auras` field.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 508227 Entry: 39637) has duplicate aura (spell 49415) in `auras` field.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 508212 Entry: 39431) has duplicate aura (spell 73918) in `auras` field.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 508213 Entry: 39431) has duplicate aura (spell 73918) in `auras` field.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 54179) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 16520) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 54179) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 25846 Entry: 41146) has duplicate aura (spell 76973) in `auras` field.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(Invisible Stalker (Floating Only)) Entry 27047 in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 130160, Entry: 31238) have UNIT_NPC_FLAG_VENDOR but have empty trading item list.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(Invisible Stalker (Floating Only)) Entry 27047 in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 130160, Entry: 31238) have UNIT_NPC_FLAG_VENDOR but have empty trading item list.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(Steam Burst) Entry 26043 in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 54179) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 8015 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 92940 Entry: 3823) has duplicate aura (spell 78703) in `auras` field.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 5055 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 5761 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 5055 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 5761 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 3655 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 3638 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 3638 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR SmartScript: Entry 3638 has events but no events added to list because of instance flags.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 25846 Entry: 41146) has duplicate aura (spell 76973) in `auras` field.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5711 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5711 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(Invisible Stalker (Floating Only)) Entry 27047 in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.
ERROR CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(Steam Burst) Entry 26043 in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5715 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 5715 SourceType 2, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript::ProcessAction: Entry 185501 SourceType 1, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid, skipped.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 190000) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
and another similar crash in a short period

ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 39239 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 25171 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 39320 Event 0 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 39320, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(116), event_type(54), Entry 40080 SourceType 0 Event 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 40663 Event 1 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 41098 SourceType 0, Event 4, Link Event is linking self (infinite loop), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(119), event_type(1), Entry 41520 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(119), event_type(2), Entry 41520 SourceType 0 Event 2, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(255), event_type(2), Entry 43228 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled event_type(47), Entry 43504 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 44372 using event(4) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 45041 Event 5 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 450410, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 46395 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 Parameter can not be NULL, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 47684 using event(0) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 53639 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 1000060, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (80991) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183936 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183940 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183941 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: GameObject entry (209099) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (243900) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 300079 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 33 uses non-existent Creature entry 300079, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 392399 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 25171 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412061 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390420, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412062 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390421, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412063 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390422, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412064 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390423, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412065 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390424, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412066 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390425, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412067 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390426, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412068 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390427, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412069 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390428, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (675355) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (675356) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 999902 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 24735 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 1672700 using event(2) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 1836900 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 18369, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 1905500 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 20 has maxDist 0 as target_param1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2194730354856 SourceType 9 Event 13 Action 63 uses wrong value 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2179700 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 37782, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2179700 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 37769, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2202300 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 39074, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2244801 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39333, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(145), event_type(1), Entry 2291000 SourceType 9 Event 5, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2546001 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 11636 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841300) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841301) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841302) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 3330200 using event(1) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3548601 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 30 attempts to set invalid phase, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3548602 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 22 attempts to set phase 64. Phase mask cannot be used past phase 24, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3590501 SourceType 9 Event 13 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 14293 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 3668900 Event 0 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 36689, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3922600 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 2 uses non-existent Faction 13, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017402) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017403) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017404) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017405) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107000 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41070, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107100 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41071, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107101 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41071, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4351300 Event 4 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 43513, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4432700) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4696500 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 46965, skipped.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 190000) has no model defined in table `creature_template`, can't load.
as one user told me (I thank him very much for that) it was only that the model of the NPC 190000 that he had given him did not exist, but as that NPC this bug is better to eliminate it until it is solved.
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