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[Quest] The Scent of Battle - Twilight Highlands


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Quest: The Scent of Battle ID 27811
  • Twilight Hiighlands, The Boneyard, Alliance Mage Dranei Female.
  • Mullan Gryphons found and returned (Mullan Gryphon ID 46968)
  • Cannot use the Charred Highland Birch (ID 62592) None of the gryphons will respond to the Charred Highland Birch and you get no credit using it
  • Use the Charred Highland Birch on the Gryphon to have them return to quest giver and gain credit. Some Gryphons are fine, just click them to return. Some are trapped, kill the trappers and the trapper bindings to release them. Some are injured. If you're a non-healing class you must use first aid on the Gryphons to get them to return. None of this works.